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1. How did I feel the day of my Baptism?

Honestly, I felt like I was getting married. This was a serious commitment! I was giving my life away (back to the Lord). I was the Bride finally becoming one with her Groom. Though a serious matter, I felt at ease and knew it was something I had to do. I was not scared. I looked forward to it but was calm in the same breath. I was not looking back and did not want to. I wanted to get it done. I just had to.

2. What were my thoughts directly after getting Baptized? I did not think really. I was going through the motions but then it hit me. I cried once I got to the end of the stairs. Just like a new born baby! Just burst right into tears! My Soul Cry. The "New" me was born! I felt sooo refreshed as well; may be it was the ice COLD water [laughs] , but I felt great!

3. Do I feel "different?" Yes I do! I am even more confident and open with my spirituality. I feel empowered as a child of GOD. Like "Now it is time to handle your Father's business!" I feel that wearing ‪J E S U S on my sleeves is not a problem! I am not ashamed of Him! I am not afraid to bring Him up in all that I do! Beauty, Brains but most of all, a ‪Believer‬! I have gained so much peace in my heart! Every day I grow deeper and stronger in love with ‪Christ‬!

4. Looking back would I do it again?

YESSSS!!! BEST DECISION EVERRR!!! I did not rush it. Like I said in the video. I knew I wanted to be get Saved but I did not know where or when. I just knew. That was my senior year in undergraduate. I did not do it just "because." I did it because I had to and I wanted to.

Personal Thoughts:

Going down into the water I could see myself before being brought back up. It was as if I was in a womb, getting ready to be delivered; leaving my past and breaking into the "New" me. Surreal. Now I aim to live the way Christ intended me to live. I am not saying I will be perfect, I am saying I will have faith knowing that I have already been forgiven and therefore should continue to push forward. I want my Husband to truly be a Man of GOD. I want my children to be raised in Christ. I want everyone who I come into contact with, to know who reigns dominion and power over me, ‪GOD‬.

I feel like everything fell right into place. Getting rid of toxic situations, going to church (shout out to Praise Tabernacle International- whoop! whoop!), Bible study, the completion of reading the entire Bible and finally getting ‪Saved‬, were all parts of His plan! Perfection.

They say when you know better you do better! I am holding myself accountable; I should not give that responsibility to others. GOD has so much in store for me and He ain't done with me yet! ‪

Watch Him work‬! ‪I am withholding nothing‬! ‪I am FREEEE‬!!!

Time is of the essence. I have to get myself right!


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