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Taking Care Of Your Temple: Where Have I Been?

Where Have You Been?

Last week was a powerful week for me. If you watched my video via my Facebook Community Page, (click on link) then you would know that I received my POWER on Pentecost Sunday—GLORY!!! Then three days later, my health had taken a plunged. Life appeared to be questionable, but grace swept in and gave the answer. I was out for about three days dealing with health issues and trying to recover. All I could think about was not going out without the promises that GOD wrote in the Bible, coming to past. Where was the fruitful life through purpose, marriage, and children? Is this how all would come to end for me? Was this it? No.

“By His stripes we are healed.”

(Isaiah 53:5-6)

I was able to managed through the GRACE of GOD and the POWER I received from the Holy Ghost!

Each storm we go through is to strengthened our faith, and deepen our love for GOD. I do not think the devil understands that I KNOW that WITHOUT the permission of GOD, he CANNOT touch and WILL NOT prevail. He has already been defeated. Those who have read the Bible knows how the story ends. Mentally, I knew that I had made it, but I still had to take a seat for the ride before me. This health plunged, also known as, a storm, revealed that there are some things that you are just going to have to go through. These things will be out of your control! No you cannot “pray, decree and declare” it out. You will have to face it. How else are you suppose to grow? Your biggest challenge will be your mind—YOUR BELIEF! We often give too much credit to the enemy for destruction, doubt, and devastation, when in actuality it is us, our OWN SELVES, who are the culprit. If we call yourself “Saved,” “Filled with the Holy Ghost and Power,” but still have reservations, we are not only doubting yourself, but we are also discouraging GOD. How? Greater is He within you…(1 John 4:4). Jesus rather, resides in us! We are downplaying the capabilities and strength in us! Take Care of Your Temple Remember, our bodies are not our own. 1 Corinthians 6:19 (NIV) “Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own;.” Please be proactive in your care for Him, not “it.” Had I been negligent in not going to the doctors when I did, the ending of my health plunged may have not gone this way. Though GOD has the power, because He IS POWER, to change the occurrence of situations, it is still our responsibility to remain obedient and do what is required of us. Where and how will we find this? In the Bible. Read your Bible, AND build that vital relationship with GOD. What is the point of absorbing information, if you do not apply it? Through GOD and faith, you will be able to be active in His Will and understand HANDS-ON, what the Bible is referring to. The Bible will mean ABSOLUTELY nothing, if you do not have the RIGHT, TRUE, and HEALTHY connection with GOD. “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God” (1 John 1:1). Eat right (get a personal dietician), see your physician, take your annual exams, excercise, and feed your soul through the Bible. Taking care of your body is BOTH spiritual and physical!

What I Now Know MORE Of...

Deep inside, I knew this was not the end, but the beginning of a new stage. A new level of faith. A higher platform. Your praise and worship cannot elevate without your OWN elevation. SELAH. You cannot thank GOD for the things that you have not personally experienced yourself. “Faith without works is dead" (James 2:14-26). There are things that you will have to be birthed through and there are some valleys you will have to sit through. No storms, test, or trials, means no victory, gratefulness, and testimony. To be a vessel will not always be a “pretty” thing, but it will be liberating. To know that GOD is awaiting your arrival at the finish line because He knows you can get through, is AMAZING! He is ALWAYS by our side! What I can take away from this situation is how GOD is in control in ALL areas of my life and that my faith must be tested in order to grow. Your faith should never become stagnant nor comfortable. GOD has too many hats, facets, and so forth to show you! I had no fear in death because I remembered that my soul was given unto Him. I know that He—GOD— is dominion, sovereign, and authority, which means I do not have the say over my life. Therefore, I can either "listen" to myself and fall or give it ALL over to Him and keep still. I choose the latter.

Remember, each present level we are in, is preparation for the next. Do not overlook on what is happening that you miss out on the keys of opportunity to move onto the next. You must first master your “now,” to get to your “then.” The only thing that can stop us, is US!

Take care of your temple.

"It is finished."

(John 19:28-30)


ps: I do plan on returning to regular programming. Please bare with me during this time :)

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