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The Church Series: NO CHURCH ZONE!

We live in a world where, you can call yourself a Christian, Believer, Servant of Christ, and feel the need not to go to church. How? I too am trying to figure this out. What is unfortunate is that we miss out on what GOD had envisioned His church to be.

What is the BIG DEAL?

As Pastor Dawkins once expressed, if you are a member in an organization, you are obligated to attend meetings, correct? If you are a basketball player for the NBA you are obligated to attend practices, correct? If you are an employee of a company, you are obligated to go to work, correct? So if you call yourself a Christian, Believer, and SERVANT of Christ, why are you not going church? Just to be clear, simply knowing that GOD exist, does not qualify you as being in a relationship with Him. Simply knowing that GOD exist, does not qualify your seat in Heaven. Simply knowing that GOD exist, does not qualify you to be a Christian. The devil knows who GOD is, and is well versed in His capabilities (being that he too was once an angel). However, where does the enemy reside now? Precisely.

Again, simply knowing GOD does not make you a Christian. Being a Christian is not a noun, but a verb “Faith without works is dead" (James 2:17). Christians have faith, which is continuously tested in order to be strengthened. Of course we can always flip the script and say, “Going to church, does not make you no saint!” This quote tickles me the most “Going to church doesn’t make you a Christian any more than standing in a garage makes you a car.” I see the point, but who comes up with this stuff? Please understand, this is where religion versus relationship comes to play; Old Testament versus New Testament. There are different elements involved when speaking of this comparison, and this should be discussed in its’ own seperate post.

The Bible says in Hebrews 10:25 (NLT), “ And let us not neglect our meeting together, as some people do, but encourage one another, especially now that the day of his return is drawing near.” Especially in times as these as the world is moving into uncertainty, and darkness, we as Christians need to come to church, and sharpen each other as irons does! We must get right, and complete our assignment before Jesus returns! We, as Christians— as people period, manifest with love, and attention from one another. GOD expects to see His children together. How so? In Romans 10:17 (KJV), it reads, “So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God,” where do you go HEAR the word, in order to get faith: CHURCH! You cannot call yourself a Christian, Believer, Servant of Christ, and not do what it all entails!

Why go to Church?

I personally went through a stage where I opted out of going to a physical church, but only attending an online church. My reason was that I was in search of a church home. I had just graduated from undergraduate, and before then, I did not have a car (while in school) to go the church that I had desired. I was patient, and waiting for Thee Lord to lead me to my church home.

Now there is nothing with online church, but if you can help it, go to a PHYSICAL church where you are in the midst of your brethren. There is no other feeling like being with others who share the same joy for GOD as you! Those who understand that there is everlasting life after death! I love corporate worship! The caution of attending an online church is to not get so comfortable with being alone, and not really attending a physical church. The enemy will begin to steer you away from being amongst your brethren! Why? “For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them” (Matthew 18:20, KJV). “And five of you shall chase an hundred, and an hundred of you shall put ten thousand to flight: and your enemies shall fall before you by the sword” (Leviticus 26:8, KJV). There is POWER in unity! The enemy knows if we, Christians come together, and we place our minds, and spirits as one, GOD WILL ANSWER! So what does he do, he trys to persuade us that it is okay to be to yourself, and still do right by GOD. He will make you feel as if your feelings, also known as your FLESH, is greater than your Spirit Man. He wants you to be more pleased with yourself, than GOD! What a liar! You cannot have your cake and eat it too!

How Does this Relate Back to GOD?

In Exodus, when GOD came to the rescue, He brought out Israel. A group. A gathering. His Children. He directed, and taught them as a WHOLE. He did not select ONE child to save, and call His church; His people. GOD sees us all as Thee Body of Christ (1 Corinthians 12:27, Ephesians 4:4, & 1 Corinthians 12:12-31). We (those who believe He rose on the third day, and have declared Jesus as Lord & Savior) are referred to as His Children. As a family, children are brought up together. They are raised, groomed and taught lessons, together. They grow, and mature together. They stand TOGETHER.

Each child supplies a necessary need for the family’s sustainability. Thank GOD that we are not replicates of one another, but are special, and different in our own being (Read "Creations vs The Creator"-featured post), yet still depending on one another (Romans 12:6-8)! Just as Pastor Dawkins would express, a hand has no functionality (purpose) without the arm, the arm has no functionality without the shoulder, the shoulder has no functionality without the neck, and so forth. A hand would just be a hand, lying there. EACH PART OF THE BODY IS NECESSARY TO MAKE THE BODY MOVE! You are sitting at home, with your purpose, and gift, and someone is waiting on you for their functionality! They are waiting on your life's testimony, so they can share theirs! You are NEEDED! YES, YOU ARE NEEDED TO HELP THE BODY OF CHRIST MOVE!

You cannot get answered questions that you may have, sitting at home, or with others who are not yet part of Thee Kingdom (declaring Jesus as Lord, and Savior getting Saved through Baptism of The Holy Spirit). Your Spirit Man WILL SUFFER! Christians needs to be with CHRISTIANS! Again, "Iron sharpeneth iron; so a man sharpeneth the countenance of his friend" (Proverbs 27:17). Your faith, has to be continuously worked (1 Thessalonians 1:2-3)! This means that you have to be around those who have a better understanding of your thought process, and point of view. Yes, you will have trials, tribulations, storms, shortcomings, and so forth! Who will you run to? Who will tend to you? Where are your Divine Connections (Read "Divine Connections"—featured post)? How will you spiritually survive? We are supposed to stick together, and do the work of Thee Kingdom—saving souls! But how can we do so when one of our brother or sister is missing? Your contribution is necessary!

We must remember, that our time here on Earth is limited, and there is work to be done before we are called home to GOD. There may be a number of reasons to why you may choose to not attend a physical church, but at the end of the day, GOD will judge you of what YOU have done, not what others have said, and carried out upon you (1 Corinthians 11:28, Philippians 2:12).

You need to be around your brethren.

You need to go to church.

This is for YOUR spiritual growth, and direction.

This is for the purpose of THE KINGDOM of GOD!

Will you help us move?

We need you. Won't you join us?


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