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Sunday Sermon Summary: "Full and Over Flowing!"

Praise Tabernacle International, Plantation, FL Pastor D.H.Dawkins

We are still on the path to fifty days to Pentecost.

The key verses were from Ephesians 5:18-20 (KJV):

18 And be not drunk with wine, wherein is excess; but be filled with the Spirit;

19 Speaking to yourselves in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord;

20 Giving thanks always for all things unto God and the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ;

Jesus's Disciples had to terry in Jerusalem and wait to be endued with power (Luke 24:49). They lived in the time where Believers were not liked. Believers were being criticized and crucified for believing in Jesus.

Battery is a source of power. The best type of battery is the one that can recharge. It is the Will of GOD to have a rechargeable battery. Rechargeable batteries come in different sizes and shapes. A rechargeable battery will last longer than an ordinary battery. You need to be recharged. Not just once due to the daily routine of our lives that drains our strength. GOD wants us to be strong and recharged.

NUMBER ONE: GOD's desire that you remain filled with the Holy Spirit. There should be a personable experience. This should be a lifestyle experience. It is because of the Holy Spirit we Christians are set apart. We must understand that we need a personal EXPERIENCE with the Holy Spirit. An encounter will grant the no need for an explanation! GOD WILL make himself known to you. Having an encounter will not take you out of an experience. Remaining full is more than what you believe. You must remain thirsty and desperate for GOD! DESIRE that personal encounter!

GOD wants you to be filled, but not just satisfied with the past experiences! Being filled with the Holy Ghost is not a one time experience but a LIFESTYLE! For instance, If an angel would have stopped you, and gave you a breathalyzer test, would there be enough to charge for living under the influence? Not just a single recorded time, but there should be enough to wrap you eternally. See the Spirit as the environment, our breath, that we take in moment by moment.

Enthusiasm comes from experiencing the Holy Spirit. You are assured by the Holy Spirit—connected in Him. We need energy to remain energized.

1 Corinthians 14:4 (KJV):

"He that speaketh in an unknown tongue edifieth himself; but he that prophesieth edifieth the church."

There is no mediator between you and GOD.

In Acts 2, and Acts 4, Peter did not live only on one experience with the Holy Spirit.

In 1 Corinthians 4:18 (KJV), "Some of you have become arrogant, thinking I will not visit you again." Paul expressed how one needs to be continuously renewed in the Holy Spirit. Your spiritual battery will wear down without being refilled with energy. We have been asking the wrong question "Have you been filled with the Holy Ghost?" It should be "ARE you filled with the Holy Ghost?" Again, to be Filled with the Spirit a lifestyle! Ephesians 6:10 (KJV), "Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might." This happens in the presence of GOD.

Do you want what GOD wants?

So you may be asking, "How do I stay Filled?"

Act like Jesus! Referring to the above key text, Ephesians 5:18, a powerful picture is painted for us regarding living for our your own desire versus living for GOD. When we choose to satisfy the flesh, you will never be able to. The flesh is insatiable. We are suppose to live our lives to please GOD. The Holy Spirit is to work with us; not to work against and condemn. Instead of using yourself to be used in a ministry to win souls, you now use that energy to repent. You were not made to repent. GOD's power is not for repentance, but to cast out devils, set trends, glorify GOD, and walk as if Heaven is before you!

Does the purpose in you have an exhaust? Does it goes beyond the walls of the church? Are you exhausted because you have no outlet? Make room for what is coming! Some thing is coming! You have to inconvenience yourself! S T R E T C H H H ! "If you do not change who you are, you will stay right where you are!" Stop making excuses, MAKE ROOM! No one else can be a hindrance, but you!


Just as Elijah prayed to the Heavens to stop the drought (James 5)- GET YOUR FLOW BACK! Just as Jesus spoke to the women at the well (James 4)- GET YOUR FLOW BACK!

Let it FLOW right out of your belly!

It has already been sitting within you!

You are meant to get what Heaven has kept in you in order to get your flow out!

Life Application

RECHARGE! Get that FLOW BACK! You must go on to do the Will of Thee Lord! Even GOD rested on the 7th day after creating the world—He recharged! In order to properly do the work of Thee Lord, you must be continuously Filled with the Holy Spirit! You cannot remain on track, and be in GOD' Will, without first not having received the Holy Spirit, and two, remaining continuously filled with it! As Pastor expressed above, the Holy Spirit is on your side! He does not come to fight against the good, right, and true things of your life, but only the things that are not of Thee Kingdom of GOD! The enemy knows the longer you wait to become Saved, and Filled with the Holy Ghost, the more time he has to plot, and sway you to stay in his kingdom. Remember, there are only two kingdoms. If you are not COMPLETELY solidified in GOD's kingdom, you are an employee for the devil. He has YOUR SOUL. There is no in between when it comes to Jesus.

Again, there is NO in between when it comes to Jesus.

I encourage you to know GOD on a more intimate level.

Get Saved, and become Filled by receiving the Baptism of Thee Holy Spirit!

I want to see you at Thee Gate!

Be Blessed



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