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Singlehood: A CHRISTIAN Proposal!

A few weeks ago, I was granted the privilege to witness a CHRISTIAN proposal!


What a lovely experience!

The Proposal

First off, I have NEVER been involved with the planning of a proposal. My Brother in Christ had everything planned down to the "T!” The location, time and place, the details of the ring, “excuse" to get her to the location, the execution of the question, and the secret Facebook group that was created to communicate it all! This was so nice yet intense! It took me by surprise!

(The Beautiful Ring)

(The Anticipation of the Groom-To-Be from the Secret Facebook Group)

When they got to the bridge (pictured above), the bride-to-be, was confused and then got overwhelmed by emotions when she saw her church family. She knew, it was "the time" where her hand in marriage would be asked for. The groom-to-be gave a heart felt speech, and turned her around so that she could read the poster (pictured below). When she turned back to face him with the answer, he was already on knee (in his ALL white by the way), and boldly asked the infamous question:

Still being overwhelmed, with a simple nod, she answered yes and he grab her left hand!

She said YES!!!

Why An Emphasis on "CHRISTIAN"? Please read my "Singlehood: Courtship GOALS!" The reason is because they were dating with a PURPOSE. Marriage was the end goal! They were not playing games, and only with one anther because they “looked” good together. NO! They had GODLY intentions! That is the difference of courting in Christ: GOD is the FOUNDATION of the connection. A godly grown man and a godly grown woman coming together in name of GOD. This is where the glory of GOD first resides! Before The Church was created, the institution of the family was established (Genesis). Even when GOD speaks about The Church, He compares it to marriage (Ephesians 5, Revelations)! Isaiah 54:5 (NLT):

"For your Creator will be your husband; the Lord of Heaven’s Armies is his name! He is your Redeemer, the Holy One of Israel, the God of all the earth."

Any Engagement Ideas?

Honestly, my RibCage would have to know me. I am really strategic and intellectual. In other words, it would be difficult to “trick” or “surprise” me. I would be the one putting clues, and time-stamps together to create a possible theory! It is the woman in me! I cannot help it! We are natural investigators! [Laughs]. The hard part about this, is that I LOVE being surprised! So my proposal would have to be a surprise within a surprise! *Hint Hint* All in all, it could have not been more of a perfect day!

The temperature was on point.

The forecast was bright, and sunny with a side of cool wind!

The love of our church family filled the air!

It felt surreal to be that close and personal to such a pivotal event in someone’s life! Praying them through! I was so honored to be cherished in a memory that would last a lifetime!

I am content, but excited about this hopefully being a part of my future! Glory to GOD! Selah...

Related Articles (Click on link):

Please click the "Testimonials" tab above, in the menu bar, for more great reads of Singlehood!


(All pictures courtesy of Rashell Selah)

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