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Today I was privileged to attend my church's, Praise Tabernacle International (PTI), outing to Holy Land Experience! Before this point I have never even heard of Holy Land Experience, and did not know it was close by, Orlando, FL! I know! I knowww! Remember How I spoke about one of the benefits of having church family is exposure, in the "I Love My Church Family" article? Exactly! Everyone who I had spoken to only had SUPERB reviews about it. One of my fellow PTI Sisters expressed "When you know children are crying, it's good!" I could not wait to get there! During Below are the exhibits and shows I was able to experience:

  • Holy Communion With Jesus

  • Legna (Angels spelled backwards): Live show

  • Karaoke: I sang Mary Mary "GOD In Me"

  • The Birth Place of Jesus: Model presentation

  • Calvary's Garden Tomb: Where Jesus's body was placed before the glorious resurrection

  • Christus Gardens: Wax figures exhibit from the life of Jesus.

  • Solomon's Treasure Shop: Gift shop

  • Baptismal Pool: They perform live Baptisms

  • Passion of the Christ: Live Drama presentation

I could not take in ALL of the beauty Holy Land embodied! I was snapping pictures from inside the bus! It was soooo captivating! Wow! The attention to detail, and the natural hospitality from the staff was awesome! In addition, as was written on their map, and was announced during their shows, "Many of our cast members and all of our Jesus actors are ordained Ministers." This sat wonderfully with me! Why? Because they were not just paid actors and actresses doing a job! They were TRUE servants of Thee Kingdom!The two live shows included true time of interaction and worship. Final Thoughts I will DEFINITELY be back again! Time flew and it did not feel like we were there for eight hours. One day is not adequate enough for the scenery and activities/shows. I enjoyed fellowshipping and being exposed! Wow! To think they had a WHOLE ENTIRE recreation dedicated to Jesus! This was for our knowledge, understanding, and clarification! Great for ALL ages! Great bonding activities for family, friends, and church family! It was such a lovely time! I encourage you ALL to go! Remember, once you have given your life to Christ through receiving the Baptism of the Holy Spirit, you know become "The Church." Your body is the temple that GOD resides in: 1 John 4:4 (KJV): "...greater is he that is in you, than he that is in the world." 1 Corinthians 6:19 (NLT): "Don't you realize that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit, who lives in you and was given to you by God? You do not belong to yourself," 1 Corinthians 12:24 (NIV): Now you are Christ’s body, and individually members of it. We must do the work of Thee Kingdom, which is to witness, through the power received from The Holy Ghost and bring souls back to Thee Kingdom (Acts 8:1). Holy Land Experience was just a reminder of why we are here to begin with: Jesus What an EXPERIENCE!!!

Enjoy the gallery!!!



(All pictures displaying features/creations of Holy Land are copyrighted/credited of Holy Land/TBN- just taken by Rashell Selah for blog purposes.)

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