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The Church Series: "Church Folks"

"At the end of the day people won't remember what you said or did, they will remember how you made them feel."

-The Late Maya Angelou

Who are "Church Folks?"

Church folks are people who may have been going to church all their lives. They know the “ins, and outs” of how a church is ran. They know what colors are deemed "Easter" appropriate, the accepted length of a skirt, and dismissal of gum through an upward, open palm motion, with a tissue. These folks are the "In Crowd." They feel in order to survive in "their" church you must be accepted by them. If not, they will make you know you are not welcomed. With these church folks, there are boundaries. You cannot speak to certain individuals, you cannot sit in certain areas (not speaking of the reserved seats for clergy), and you better not be seen at any of the church's social events with your "unwanted self."

Church folks are the ones who have a secret agenda, masked by their “um teen” years of membership, and contributions. Church folks are those who do not wave back at you when you say "Hi," and if they do, they are saying something underneath their breath. Church folks are the ones giving you "side looks," when you so happen to make eye contact with them. Church folks are the ones who make you feel as if you do not belong here. Church folks feel that they have the power to place value on you because of their standing/authority with the church. There is always a negative energy whenever you seem to come around. Church folks ARE REAL! (Please keep in mind there are much more descriptions of church folks that can be given.)

The description of church folks reminded me of a text that was focused on in one my Discipleship classes. It is of Galatians 6, where Paul is speaking to the Jews, and Gentiles (everyone who is essentially not a Jew). The issue here was though Gentiles has accepted Christ; the Jews still wanted the Gentiles to perform the act of circumcision. In Galatians, the Jews felt if you were not circumcised, then you were not truly a Follower of Christ. What is the correlation? Church folks are equated to "religious practices." If you do not do “A,B, and C,” therefore you cannot be granted “D, E, F!” The attitude is: through ME, you have to qualify! What Paul wanted to clear up is that the Jews wanted these circumcisions to occur, not so that GOD could get the glory, but so they [Jews] themselves could boast about it, and gained esteem.

Even J E S U S ?!

Even Jesus experienced church folks. When He came, and expressed that He was the Coming Messiah, Son of GOD, Son of Man, the Pharisees rejected Him (Book of Matthew). People spoke of Him (John 7:12). They expressed that the Coming Messiah would not come from Galilee (John 7:41-42). Essentially, Jesus did not meet their expectations. That is like you coming to church with tattoos, “golds,” “non-church” clothes, and so forth. Church folks see you not meeting “their expectations” of how you should be presented to Thee Lord. They feel as if “You should not look that way, or act that way. There are certain guidelines to met." What is unfortunate, these church folks do not know of the possible treasure that lies beneath all those physical elements/requirements. Just as Jesus, who came to fulfill the prophecy to overcome death, and to be glorified! But did Jesus stop His assignment because of these church folks? NO! HE STILL CAME, AND DID WHAT HE HAD TO DO! The same should apply to you! YOU SHOULD STILL COME FOR YOUR SALVATION! FEED YOUR SPIRIT MAN! FULFILL YOUR PURPOSES! There is WORK TO BE DONE!

Location! Location! Location!

Another faucet is location. Of all the places to be disregarded, unwanted, and “disrespected,” why it is done in church? This is like the icing on the cake! Church is the place that is suppose to be secure, safe, and holy! Could you even begin to imagine how Jesus felt? He came to save those who were rejecting Him? To be treated in such manner, truly hurts the most! Why even bother right? I can see that, but your salvation is still worth the fight!

Let us switch it up! A coworker disrespects you on your job, but do you quit? Do you let your bills pile up? I am pretty sure you will show up the next day, why? Because there is a check to be made! You will not let anyone get in between you, and your physical well-being. Same concept applies here! There is a salvation to be gained! You should not let anything, or anyone get in between you, and your spiritual well-being!

Have You Experienced "Church Folks"?

To be honest, I am still experiencing this as we speak! However, I have learned that “For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places” (Ephesians 6:12). There are BIGGER, and more IMPORTANT MATTERS at hand than to entertain folks who only GOD has the power over (the peace in that)! We are ALL HIS CREATIONS! Therefore, I have no power over you, and you do not have any power over me. Now let us be clear, this does not mean your parents, and Pastors hold no weight in your life. For we know the Bible says, in Ephesians 6: 1-3 (KJV), “Children, obey your parents in the Lord: for this is right. Honour thy father and mother; (which is the first commandment with promise;) That it may be well with thee, and thou mayest live long on the earth.” In Jeremiah 3:15, (KJV), it reads, “And I will give you pastors according to mine heart, which shall feed you with knowledge and understanding.” Please respect the line of physical authority, but in the same token, remember who holds ALL Spiritual authority! Selah.

With that said church folks should not be the reason why you refused to go to church. ONE person, or a group of people, who were CREATED, and not THEE CREATOR, should not have that type of control over your salvation! Why would you give them this type of hold over you? Do you not realize come Judgement Day, YOU will have to deal with all of YOUR decisions? Not what others did to you, but what YOU did? While these church folks are keeping you away, who in the end really gets hurt, misses out on the TRUE LOVE of GOD, and the security of their seat in Heaven? YOU DO!

What Now?

Come on in to the House of Thee Lord! We come to church for GOD! He love seeing His Children, together in His name! Pray on the situation, give it to Him, and practice to love other beyond their faults. This how the principle of grace, and mercy gets embedded into your foundation of life, and forgiveness. Remember, only GOD has the power, and authority to change our hearts. We, are GOD’s’ Creations, His earthly vessels (2 Corinthians 4:7). We are powerless over GOD. We get power from GOD, because POWER IS GOD! Do not miss out on your salvation, peace, and seat in Heaven, because someone looked at you “funny,” or said a “negative comment.” Do you not know that only GOD can validate the man, or woman you are? As Pastor Dawkins has numerously expressed, "There is no one on Earth powerful enough to be your enemy!"

I personally learned to shake it off because I know it may be one of the enemy's lying, scheming ways, to keep me from GOD, or GOD's way of sharpening my armor. Change your perecption, as Pastor Dawkins would say! Remember, the enemy wants to keep you from strengthening your Spirit Man; he wants you to keep to yourself, which leads to destruction through pride. You will start saying, "I don't need church. Church people are this, and that! I can get closer to GOD all by myself." Now you begin stereotyping ALL churchgoers as " Church Folks," but how would you feel if you were innocent, and were getting blamed for what others personally chose to do?

It deeply hurts me when people are not coming to church over PEOPLE. GOD, who had NOTHING to do with how those church folks treated you gets blamed. Funny how GOD will allow us to go through some things so that we can see, and feel the receiving end. Now that you know how it feels to be treated in such way, you in return should not want anyone to feel that way.

What we need to understand is that church folks are always going to be around. There is no doubt about it. There will always be people opposing you no matter what you do! This is LIFE!

What are you going to do about it?

Jesus, PERFECT as He is, was criticized.

What makes you think that you are safe?

Let them talk, as you walk in Christ.

You keep on coming, and getting fed.

GOD will always have the last say.


(Picture courtsey of by Rashell Selah)

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