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Singlehood: If He Loves You, He Will Keep You Holy!

In the book of Genesis, it speak about the prophecy of how Jesus was coming. This would happen by the spiritual impregnation of Mary (Virgin Mary) by GOD. One problem: Mary was already engaged to be married to Abraham. Mary would be pregnant OUTSIDE of wedlock.

A woman who was pregnant with no husband, covering, was deemed strange. It was not common; nor was it easily accepted. You would be treated as someone who was "shunned" from society and frowned upon. David had seen Bathsheba taking a bath in the pool, and instantly had to have her for himself (2 Samuel 11). They slept together, then Bethesda became pregnant. One problem: she was already married. Adultery, as spoken in Exodus and Deuteronomy, is not tolerated.

Exodus 20:14 (KJV):

"Thou shalt not commit adultery."

Deuteronomy 22:22 (KJV):

"If a man be found lying with a woman married to an husband, then they shall both of them die, both the man that lay with the woman, and the woman: so shalt thou put away evil from Israel."

Being that David was a king, this detestable practice would be viewed on an even larger platform and would bring great controversy. When Boaz, a wealthy Israelite, saw Ruth, he was naturally attracted and inquired about her (Book of Ruth). One night, after the persuasion of her Mother-in-Law, Naomi, Ruth went to wait for Boaz in his room. Boaz, who had too much wine to drink, did not know Ruth was in his room until she had made it known. One problem: Ruth was not from this land, Moab, and therefore was a foreigner. In addition, she was not married to Boaz. Going about this situation wrongly would have brought disruption in the community where Thee Lord was blessing His people (Ruth 1:6). So what did these men do? They tried to keep the woman in their lives from shame. Abraham, through GOD’s direction, ended up taking Mary away to Bethlehem, unfamiliar land, to deliver baby Jesus (Genesis). She could give birth without having to answer questions from those who would have known that she had gotten pregnant before she was married. Though his plan horrifically failed, King David tried to have Bathsheba’s husband, Uriah the Hittite, sleep with her in order to have everyone to believe that he had gotten his wife pregnant (2 Samuel 11-12). Unfortunately , Uriah was so loyal to David, that he denied participating in any enjoyment during that particular time period (2 Samuel 11:11). In the view of proper counsel, Boaz ended up properly presenting a proposition that landed in his favor in marrying Ruth (Ruth 4). This was done rightfully and honestly in front of those who were there. They were able to unite as one, and Ruth gave birth to a son (Ruth 4:13). For all of these men, in the above three examples, tried to keep the reputation and integrity of their woman. Though King David was not the best example, we see the principle in his actions. They knew that there were guidelines and order that needed to kept for the sake of not only their identity, but more importantly for their women.

If he loves you, he will keep you holy. What Has Changed Today?

As can be read in the above post from a fellow peer of mine, they too have observe this “change” as well. Where is the value in women, family and reverence to GOD? The issue is not being barefoot and pregnant with baby number four on the way. The issue is with WHO we choose to do this with and HOW we go about it. All because there may not by any "physical" evidence does not mean there is not any "spiritual" evidence. GOD SEES IT ALL! You will have to answer to Him. It appears keeping a woman seen as pure, spotless and clean, has faded into an ancient myth. This is not true for the Word of God. For The Word was just as necessary yesterday, as it is necessary today!

As the Bible states in Ephesians 5:25-27 (KJV): “25 Husbands, love your wives, even as Christ also loved the church, and gave himself for it; 26 That he might sanctify and cleanse it with the washing of water by the word, 27 That he might present it to himself a glorious church, not having spot, or wrinkle, or any such thing; but that it should be holy and without blemish.” Though engraved in marriage, women, your male mate should be treating you in like manner BEFOREHAND! This should not occur when the day of wedding is approaching or afterwards, but BEFORE! If he not doing the things to keep you aligned with GOD and His Will:

1) He is not a TRUE man of GOD!

2) He ain't the one for you!

If he loves you, he understands that he is on borrowed time, and that you ultimately belong to Thee Lord. Therefore, he knows that how he treats you, he will have to answer to GOD. This is so crucial when deciding who you choose to be courted by for marriage. Do not waste time disregarding this vital fact that can ultimately make or break your salvation.

If he loves you, he will keep you holy.

The Role Women Play

Yes, us women do have the power to persuade, provoke, and proclaim our personal agenda if we chose to. As can be read throughout the Bible, women have destroyed kingdoms, and the course of men lives. Just in case some may have forgotten; We, women, have power, ability and strength! Just a reminder ladies, WE ARE QUEENS👑. However, men, ordained by GOD are to be the leaders. Godliness and holiness are suppose to be directed by the man. 1 Corinthians 11:3 (KJV):"But I would have you know, that the head of every man is Christ; and the head of the woman is the man; and the head of Christ is God." This is why I do not understand how a woman can say a man loves her, but the way he handles her is anti-GOD! How? How? You are not being spiritual taken cared of. Your salvation and temple are not priorities for him. Now, I do argue that women play a role in how they are treated. You are treated by what you tolerate. I have been in this position before. I know that I am queen, but for a season, I threw my crown to floor to appease a guy. To make him "like me," and want to "lock me" down; officially make me his woman. Failing to realize that he would eventually take advantage of what was being given WITHOUT the proper Godly protocol I believed in. I went from being respected to being objectified. There is nothing wrong with being physically attractive, but when lust becomes the core of the connection, then “Houston, we have a problem!" After the removal of my crown, I was seen as a “thing;” an “option”; a “situation.” The crown did not return on my head until GOD stepped in and placed it back on for me. I did not regard myself as holy, therefore he did not as well. It is a two way street.

If he loves you, he will keep you holy. I now choose to wait on Thee Lord for the one who will treat me with such regard. I have experienced so many carbon copies of men who said they were "Godly," but did not act as if they were, that I now I have a distaste for a man that is nothing of GOD. In other words, if you do not fit the bill, then it ain't real! I will no longer lie to myself just to have someone fill in the blanks. No more temporary fixes and emotional situationships (Read "Dating Potential: Stop Playing Yourself"). 1 Thessalonians 4:7 (NIV): "For God did not call us to be impure, but to live a holy life." 1 Peter 1:15 (NLT): "But now you must be holy in everything you do, just as God who chose you is holy." Why keep something holy and sanctified, that will not keep itself in that manner to BEGIN with? TALK ABOUT IT! To be kept, means you are already in a specific condition that now needs to be maintained. In other words, “If she was not a wife to begin with, then what will make her one now?” Ladies, you cannot expect a man to be the ONLY effort in leading you through Christ. For him to keep you holy, you must:

1) Be holy.

2) Want to be kept holy.

His Responsibilities

No man that knows and loves himself through Christ will pull you intentionally away from GOD’s Will. His love for GOD, and what Christ did, will not be easily tampered with. Men are physical beings and will SHOW you how much they value you. You should never have to gauge his respect and honor for you. If he loves GOD, then he will keep you holy.

As I also mentioned in my post, "What I Like In A Man" (click on link), my husband being a Godly man will know how to treat me because he has thrown himself in Christ. Once he understands that GOD so loved the world, he gave his only begotten Son, Jesus, to die on the cross to save us (John 3:16-17). GOD loves us so much, that he made us His inheritance (Ephesians 1:18) and He also wants to present us faultless (Jude 1:24). Now he will see and receive the unconditional love, mercy, and grace that GOD continuously gives to us. Then and only then will that love be given unto me; Be given unto you.


As I mentioned in my "Diary Dialogue Eighteen: Demanding Destiny!” (click on link). You must demand destiny. Walk, talk, and act in it! Be prepared for what you pray for. There is no way that you can elevate yourself, if you are still accepting mediocrity. If I want my husband to treat me like the Bible describes him to do so, then I must be worthy. Worthy in the sense of him valuing me. If I tolerate nonsense with him, then he will treat me as such. However, if I challenged him to be that Ephesians 5 man that I know that he is wired to be, through being that Proverbs 31 woman that I that I am, then he will have no choice but to show through his actions of how he is covering me, that he indeed loves me. If I want to be treated with holiness, I must act like it first.

This is why I chose to be a lady.

This is why I choose to wait.

If he loves you, he will keep you holy. Selah... ——————————————————————————————————————————— (Picture courtsey of

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