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Creations vs THEE Creator

She walks into a room. Dressed to impress. Hair done. New car keys in her hand. Unbeknownst to the naive and naked eye, she receives sharp side-glances, pouted lips and disgusted looks from other women. Not a word was first exchanged. What had happened here? This brought a sadness to her heart. What had she done? It was simply jealousy, envy, and dislike for no strong reason.

Often times we, as people will compare ourselves to others. We will equate their progress, beauty/aesthetics, finances, and so forth, to our own. We have not understood that we were all created for separate purposes; “For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works, which God hath before ordained that we should walk in them” (Ephesians 2:10). “Having then gifts differing according to the grace that is given to us…” (Romans 12:6). I, too, was once this way. I would ask myself questions like "Why she always get so many likes?; Why does so many people gravitate towards her?; Why don't I have a brandnew car?; When will I have more money to keep up and do more like he is doing?" I would always question my significance without even realizing that I was downplaying myself.

Another facet to this, is failing to see the weight of the shoes these individuals are wearing. These shoes hold great journeys within them. They hold stories that you would have to had witness in order to believe. We think because someone appears to be living a glamorous and luxurious life that they have it all made! We can be so superficial in our thinking. Do not let those bright smiles, suited and booted attire wearing, and latest technology having, individuals, fool you! You cannot smell (Daniel 3:27) the smoke of the fires that they have been through AND are currently burning! GOD’s' grace will have that effect on you; protecting you from what should have killed you. Others may not even recognize the scars that you bore, but would die to live your life!

See what I did not understand here was who I was and where I could get this answer from. I was lost in my own self-purpose perception of the world, seeking meaning from others, who were (secretly) seeking meaning as well! Selah. As I got older and began reading my Bible, going through trials and tribulations, and understanding who GOD was, I realized that I could only find my true definition and validation in Thee One Who created me. That is GOD and Him alone; “Before I formed thee in the belly I knew thee” (Jeremiah 1:5). Creations cannot find reassurance in other creations for they are too products of the maker, and not the maker Himself.

Please do not compare yourself to what can be seen only through the eyes. Understand that we, as creations, did not mold, shape, and give value to one another. We are the clay, in the Potters hands. We are earthen vessels filled with holy treasure (2 Corinthians 4:7). Seek GOD for He is the standard in which we should parallel our lives with. He is above ALL things! He has seen it all because He has created it all! Through Him, and ONLY Him, we should pursue validation.

"I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made: marvellous are thy works; and that my soul knoweth right well" (Psalm 139:14)

Let GOD show you who you really are.

(Picture courtsey of Google)

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