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I cannot believe I have finally gotten here.

The place of surrender.

The place of servitude.

The place of selflessness.

The burden of saving lost souls and reclaiming them as children of GOD has finally landed on my heart.

When you first get Saved, you go through a "selfish phase."

Being Saved appears to be all about your salvation and divine development: "What can I do, to get closer to GOD? How can I look better in His eyes?" You are feeding your soul with all that you can. You are being obedient and denying yourself of anything that can become detrimental to your in Christ. You are going to church for both Bible study and Sunday services, paying tithes, and participating in the holy consecrated weeks. This is the selfish phase because it is all about you!

Have you picked up your cross?

When you finally get filled, that is when your perception is changed! You are now in the position to accept the call from Christ! To take it to the next level! To become a true disciple for Christ! You no longer see salvation as being for yourself, but looking back and pulling up others to join you as well! Someone cared enough to look back for you! You MUST do the same!

When Pastor Dawkins pointed out the difference between being Saved and being Filled with the Holy Ghost, I literally had the "uh hah" moment. Getting Saved is a matter of recognition. Being Filled is a matter of total obedience. "Then said Jesus unto his disciples, If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow me" (Matthew 16:24, KJV).

Until you get to this point in your walk, where you are completely seeking obedience, you will not be able to fully grasp this concept. The concept of understanding that a true follower of Christ is not about achieving salvation, but the Kingdom of GOD, achieving salvation TOGETHER;

Fearing GOD;

Loving thy neighbor as thyself;

Spreading the Gospel;

Being bold for J E S U S;

Living consecrated;

Knowing The Word;

Being pastored;

Tithing, willingly.

Then in only then you will understand!


"For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life" (KJV John 3:16)

H A L L E U J A H !

Blood was shed on my behalf.

More than being successful.

I was not even worthy!

More than being a Wife.

What a beautiful burden to carry.

More than being a Mother.

I am forever indebted to you, Lord.

More than life itself...

"His lord said unto him, Well done, good and faithful servant; thou hast been faithful over a few things, I will make thee ruler over many things: enter thou into the joy of thy lord" (Matt 25:23).

More than ANYTING: my eternal desire is to be a true servant of GOD!

H A L L E U J A H !

H A L L E U J A H !

H A L L E U J A H !

I have accepted the call.


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