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Hidden Treasure: Where is the "X"?

This was me a while back! This picture tickled me because it is the TRUTH! There is absolutely no way to be seen if you are always hidden! Selah. You have to put yourself out there and show them what you are working with! Yes, I rather stay home and relax, but treasure cannot be found if the "X" is not even presented—WORD! This reminded me of the story in the Bible of Esther, where she dressed up and presented herself in the way that the king could not deny her (Esther 5).

So long story short, now that I am done with my schooling; I have challenged myself to go out more and do more! Though I will not be the one to decide when it is time for me to become a wife (that is between GOD and my future husband—stay in order ladies) it is still my responsibility to be attractive and want to be found. "And the LORD God said, It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him an help meet for him" (Genesis 2:18, KJV).

Is your "X" hidden?

(Photo courtesy of Instagram)

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