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Forgiveness: Realizing Who We REALLY Are At War With!

For the longest I have been fighting the wrong battles. I have been wasting my time and energy. It is mindboggling how until you are in the position where GOD wants you to be, that He allows you to have revelations in His Word! John 7:17, KJV, “If any man will do his will, he shall know of the doctrine, whether it be of God, or whether I speak of myself.”

I am completely taken aback! ONE verse alone has transformed my WHOLE ENTIRE thinking!

Ephesians 6:12, KJV, “For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.”

From my understanding, this is the foundation of forgiveness. CLEARLY not surpassing John 3:16, KJV, “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life;” this is the CORE of forgiveness, sacrifice and love! What I am saying is that Ephesians 6:12 sharpens the scope of what we should really be putting our energy and time in: SAVING SOULS! EXPANDING GOD’S’ KINGDOM! Not about the LITERAL flesh and bones in the physical but moving power in the spiritual! My! My! Myyyy!!! Change your perception, as Pastor Dawkins would say!

Now when I look at “offense,” as in someone offending me, I try not to take it too personal. Why? The core of the wrongdoings is not the person itself, but the source of spirit! In Matthew 15:18, KJV, it says “But those things which proceed out of the mouth come forth from the heart; and they defile the man.” I ask myself “What could have their spirit so revved up in such a negative way that it has them acting in this manner?” “Is this hostility really for me?” “They may not even realize the hurt they are spreading; if they are aware, could this be their cry for help?” Spiritual warfare is real. People are constantly being used to do the enemy’s work and some times are blind by it. In the same token, some people know what they are doing but this has always been the norm for them. If i am in the position to be offended, I instantly try my best to forgive—against the flesh wishes, and pray for them. “Then said Jesus, Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do..." (Luke 23:34, KJV).

Today, while attending a meeting, I had asked a question to clarify the topic we were discussing and I got verbally yet subliminally attacked. The tone was distasteful, condescending and rude. This was not the first time. As Christians we are taught to turn the other cheek (Matt 5:39). Some may ask “How many times are we going to do so without our flesh becoming angry?” Many get it misconstrued when they expect Christians to remain calm and never get upset. Did GOD not send Noah to make an ark so that He could flood the Earth to wipe out humanity due to their detestable behavior (Genesis 6:13)? Did not Thee Creator of all things, cause the first generation of the children of Israel from Egypt in the wilderness to die out and cause pestilence to occur because of disobedience (Numbers 32:13)? So why would His own creations, better yet, creations that were born in His image (Genesis 1:27), from time to time, not be subjected to anger as well? I knew that it was a great chance that I would be ridiculed but I went forth any away! When you are on assignment, you cannot let the fear of “What if” keep you imprisoned! Though David knew that Goliath was a giant and would see him as no threat, he still went on to battle (1 Samuel 17:32)!

I am not even going to lie. After being tested, I shut down physically but strengthened spiritually! I had remembered what Pastor Dawkins had spoken of the night before in Discipleship class: “For whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap” (Galatians 6:7). My flesh was livid! I had had enough. I literally had tears at the rim of my lower eyelid ready to land on my cheeks. Nonetheless, I spoke life into myself. I prayed. I told myself, “I apologize to anyone in my past that I had verbally humiliated in front of others and if this was my doing—I accept full responsibility. I pray they forgive me.” I recited Ephesians 6:12. I was humbled, still upset in my flesh, but humbled. If this was how it felt to be annihilated in front of others, I would not want to ever do this to someone again. I did not like this place. I knew to use grace and mercy moving forward. This was a simple yet painful lesson.

Another facet to this was the lesson of boldness. I reminded myself when I would be on assignment, bringing glory to Thee Lord, these types of situations would occur. Even when Jesus was trying to tell the people who He was, The Messiah, they tried to tear him down. I needed to understand not everyone would take to you, as you desired when speaking from your insight. That is completely fine. We have to learn to walk away with our dignity and name. What name? The name of Jesus! Greater is He that is within me (1 John 4:4)! Stay focused.

For the rest of the meeting I kept quiet and tried my best not to let my flesh be overtaken by emotions. There is a time and place for everything (Ecclesiastes 3). Why would I disgustingly rebuttal back in front of everyone? (Ecclesiastes 3:7). What would this show about my character? About being a saint? I could hear Pastor Dawkins saying 2 Corinthians 6:3 “Giving no offence in any thing, that the ministry be not blamed” (KJV). I had to remember that there is a bigger picture; I am a part of The Body of Christ. Amen.

After the meeting concluded, I left the room and took a quick break to recuperate. Others could feel that I had been bothered but I conducted myself in a respectful manner. Returning from my quick break, I gather my items and left. Still having tears on my soul. I went to church for Wednesday service and I let them fall there. I left my burden at the altar; GOD would take care of it. Next day, I woke up and continued forth on assignment! The only one who should have such power over you to cause you to fall is of course is GOD; Thee Creator, Himself. No one else has that type of authority. For GOD is Power! We must remember that GOD will take care of those who are not quite right with Him. "You can only describe someone else, not define them" Pator Dawkins. Let GOD deal with His people. We are not in the position to condemn.

We need to recognize whom we really are at war with! The enemy is taking souls and as The Body of Christ it is our responsibility to fight for those souls back! Not fight with each other about matters that will not even matter tomorrow. Again, you must be in the position where GOD wants you to truly understand Ephesians 6:12. The weight and assignment in that scripture! It has saved me a great amount of confusion and anger. We cannot look at others through plain flesh and blood. Your body will die and rot! Dust as we came as dust as we should go (Ecclesiastes 3:20)! We have to go beyond that. Get to the core! The soul! “Love thy neighbour as thyself” (Mark 12:13, KJV)! How would you want to be handled if you were in their shoes? With wrath or gentleness? Compassion flows from this attitude. Grace flows from this attitude. Mercy flows from this attitude. This is how Thee Father continue to treat us, though we are not worthy.

Discernment comes in to play here as well. As I mentioned before, this was not the first time it had occurred. A part of me felt as if it was not worth it to resolve the issue due to the fact that the individual was not in the position to make any effort in correcting their behavior. Is it really worth it in the end if their heart is not ready to recieve? We must learn to choose and pick our battles.

Forgetting does not means you chose not to carry that burden. Who are we to keep such a burden when Jesus died for ours? When GOD renews His mercy and grace every morning (Lamentations 3:22-23), we must aim to do the same with others. If Thee Creator can forgive in such a capacity, as His creations who are made in His image, we should be able to do the same. I chose to forgive and walk away. I chose to let the whole entire situation go and pray for them. I was no longer allowing myself to be affected again. Gave it over to GOD and left the burden at the altar.

Remember who we really are war with. Ephesians 6:12, KJV, “For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.”

Will you stand at the front line?

Will you be a solider for GOD?

(Photo courtsey of

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