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Let's Be Friends!

Let's be friends!

It is obvious that I am attracted to you but that is not all I want to be!

Let's stimulate each other minds; our souls!

Lord knows I am in dyer need of some REAL conversation.

I want to know what upsets you. I want to challenge your thinking process.

What are you passionate about? What is your purpose in life?

Let's speak about what is going on in those dark places! I will wipe your tears and console you; as your sister in ‪Christ‬.

Do you not know I pray for you?

Let's strengthen our Spirit man! Read the Bible; break the verses down. Recite what was taught at Sunday and Wednesday services, so that we can apply it in our daily lives.

Let's worship together. Let's pray together. Call me when you need a reminder of WHO YOU ARE AND WHOSE YOU ARE! And I will do the same!

Be the platonic ying to my yang!

Let's hold each other accountable! Call me out on my MESS, but have the same grace and mercy as GOD has upon us.

And when I walk in with the world on my shoulders, or quiet as the clouds float in the sky, do not take it as me being rude or distant. Take it as an opportunity to connect; To fellowship.

Let's laugh!

Let's build!

Let's trust!

I can write you countless letters and send you countless texts messages but when I SEE you in the physical it is obvious I am attracted to you. I am become bashful. The reason being: I am reminded of my role as it is written in the ‪Bible‬.

As Ruth was to Boaz. As Rachel was to Jacob.

When I do not give you "certain" type of attention or I am not "aggressive or eager" as others may be, it is because I respect the process. Do not charge that to my heart.

A wise man knows that he will need to come to his woman; for in return she will come to him for a lifetime. Selah.

The beauty of true submission... What an honor.

I respect the process.

I understand that you are the hunter and I am the prey, that forever is not built over night, and YOU shall cause the shift.

I realized that in the past, it did not matter how great my resume was; how beautiful I appeared to be; how deep my personality was; how passionate I came across as:

If he did not come for you; seek you; chased you; you would never truly be his. He would never enjoy the capture!

True prey is not easily accessible. True prey does not make the capture convenient. True prey is ‪found‬.

Victory is felt more when there was a fight for it!

Hunters run after THEIR prey!

I respect the process.

But before all of this can happen, let's just be friends!

Let's take the time and effort to cultivate a true friendship.

Allow each other to really get to know each other!

Take your time with me. Be patient with me.

For I am not perfect; as you are not as well.

There is treasure to be found. There is treasure to be cherished for a lifetime.

Respect the process.

"Whoso findeth a wife findeth a good thing, and obtaineth favor of the LORD." Psalm 18:22.

Until then,

let's be friends.

(Photo courtsey of

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