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Halloween: Harvest Homes

“If compensation is attached to labor and work, that’s not serving.” –Pastor Dawkins

Last night, Praise Tabernacle International (PTI) decided to host “Harvest Homes” to creatively witness to those who were celebrating the holiday. It was not a night of “deep” and “spiritual” teaching, but to simply remind those of The Gospel. Pastor D.H. Dawkins vision was to take advantage of the harvest (those who have not yet accepted Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior and been baptize in the Holy Ghost) that would come to our (Believers) homes and be vulnerable to what could be inside. He expressed how this is the only time in the year where we did not have to go after the harvest, but they would come to us. These Harvest Homes would be giving out messages that would relate to The Gospel (as pictured above), and be inviting for the harvest to want to linger around and learn more about Jesus!

I had an amazing time participating with my PTI family! For our Harvest Home, we actually went door to door, with children (filled with the Holy Ghost), and left them with a cup of candy (as pictured above). Some cups had another message that too spoke of The Gospel (as pictured below). I was kind of sad when we finished our round. Almost all the homes that answered us were taken aback by what we were doing and were accepting. I still can remember one house saying with a surprising smile, “Oh! How sweet is this!” GLORY TO GOD! However, later on the night, more of the harvest came out to the Harvest Home and we gave them candy with the verbal message of “Jesus loves you.” It was a great outcome! The children were eager to give out the candy and talk about Jesus! I am pretty confident that next year’s run will be even greater and more inspiring! I cannot wait!

(Picture taken from another Harvest Home)

“Then He said to His disciples, ‘The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few’”(Matthew 9:37, KJV). GOD wants us to serve. Just like how we had individuals serving to Save our souls, now it is our time to do the same! Selah. This is simply Kingdom Business! Expansion (in my Pastor’s voice)! When you are a true Believer and doer of Christ, there is no option in being a servant. YOU MUST BE ONE. “For even the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many” (Mark 10:45, ESV) (Luke 14:23). We are seen as Thee Body of Christ. “For as the body is one, and hath many members, and all the members of that one body, being many, are one body: so also is Christ” (1 Corinthians 12:12). There is no running away from this. We must take care of each other and love each other in the same way we love ourselves (Mark 12:31)!

The harvest is ready…but are you?


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