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Sunday Sermon Summary: Part 2-"A Mantle for this Generation"

Praise Tabernacle International, Plantation, FL.

Pastor D. H. Dawkins, Sr.

Today’s Sunday service topic was the second installment of “A Heart is Needed for the Mantle” posted on October 25, 2015. This sermon focused on two verses from Second Kings 13-14:

13 He took up also the mantle of Elijah that fell from him, and went back, and stood by the bank of Jordan;

14 And he took the mantle of Elijah that fell from him, and smote the waters, and said, Where is the Lord God of Elijah? and when he also had smitten the waters, they parted hither and thither: and Elisha went over.

Elisha just performed what his master, Elijah had done earlier (v. 8). The core of today message was history. Pastor Dawkins said how we “Can't throw history out the window in attempt to reach destiny for history is foundation and destiny is destination.” Though history is the basis, “your old garments won’t work” (Pastor Dawkins). There is a time and a place for everything (Ecclesiastes 3:1). The notion here is time sensitivity. We must be able to remain steadfast in doing Thee Lord’s work, but at the same time taking note of how we are doing His work in the period that we are in.

Pastor went on to express how both of Elijah and Elisha’s contributions were needed in order to move forward. We should have Elijah’s mantle, but with Elisha’s portion. “Elijah’s time had the experience, wisdom and weight! Elisha’s portion has the speed, agility and act to adapt” (Pastor Dawkins). “If your gospel cannot reach all generations, it is not The Gospel. The Gospel is universal.” Selah. You can see here how in order for one generation to continue, another must set the tone, passing the mantle.

“GOD never called his church to be a monument or a museum, but a MOVEMENT!”- Pastor Dawkins

  • Monument- “a statue, building, or other structure” created “to commemorate a famous or notable person or event” (

  • Museum- “Stays in place, dusted and is always shown off. ‘Look at us’ mentally” (Pastor Dawkins).

  • Movement- The church is designed to press forward with The Gospel no matter what the conditions, circumstances, and calamities are. “No one can keep the works of GOD hostage” (Pastor Dawkins).

Here in the physical, mantles are passed down from one generation to another. “You won’t need your mantle when you die. You won’t need it in Heaven for your assignment is completed” (Pastor Dawkins). Selah.

Life Application

What I personally took away was the need to understand and respect where you came from. We need to applaud those that were obedient and sold out for Christ, that in doing so paved the way for us! Now you have a solid ground to stand on and continue the legacy, The Gospel.

Again, GOD see us as Thee Body of Christ, loving one another as we love ourselves (1 Corinthians 12:12)(Mark 12:13). All that we do should be done for His glory, His Kingdom. “Faith requires unknown. Being a disciple involves not knowing Him, but still trusting Him” (Pastor Dawkins). Selah.

Now that I am aware of how both a heart and knowledge of one’s history is needed, what should I do next? As pastor expressed “Purpose is not hidden from you, but GOD reveals it to you.” Please understand that “Anything that distracts you from GOD is not from GOD” (Pastor Dawkins). Your existence on earth should be of purpose and value. If it were up to you, what would be the mantle that you would leave behind? Would it even matter for the next generation’s survival? Would they even want to pick it up?

GOD wants to use you today.

Your life is your testimony.

Pick up your mantle.

What are you waiting on?

Selah ♡

(Picture courtsey of and RASHELL SELAH-edited)

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