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Divine Connections

Have you ever met someone and felt as if you had known him or her your whole entire life? There was an instant attraction between the two of you? Whether you met them at work, school, church, gym and so forth? You could not put your hands on it, but you wanted to learn and be around them more? You just knew there was something here for you? "What is it," you may ask yourself? It is a Divine Connection (DC).

On one of our Wednesday Church services, Pastor Dawkins had spoken of this concept. I was in my seat and was like “Yessss! I know what you are talking about!" GOD will place people at the right time, in the right circumstance to meet you. You may not know why at first, but as you all begin to fellowship, open up and spend time with one another, the purpose will be revealed.

When do you know you have met a Divine Connection?

Pastor Dawkins pointed out three points that solidified you have a DC.

There should be:

  • Competence- You should be able to interact on the same level. There should be a level and exchange of both knowledge and wisdom. There should be the ability to pour into one another.

  • Chemistry- There should be an effortless attraction and interaction. This could be when you are around each other or not! It is not forced; it is natural.

  • Commitment- You should automatically want to be there for them. There is a consistency to your presence and actions. Not an obligation! You must continue to nurture the friendship to ensure its’ vitality.

Do YOU have Divine Connections?

YES! Of course! I have met these lovely individuals at work, church and school! It was like a natural bond that needed no extra forces to connect. It just happened! Though we may not interact every day, and know all there is needed from the bottom up of one another, when we do come together, it is simply beautiful! My heart warms up and my Spirit Man feels empowered because the connection is divine! It is on a spiritual level! We do not speak of the superficial and materialistic things of the world, but the core of the issues that are occurring. We quickly get “deep,” and exchange what we have learned from our past and present experiences. We look out for one another. We want each other to excel in the best way that we can! There is no jealousy, envy and negativity, just pure admiration, appreciation and acceptance of one of GOD’s’ children. There is an understanding that we are on the same playing field, and the only one who is greater is GOD, Himself. So there is humility here. When we are around each other we are FREE to be ourselves. There is a sense of peace. My DC’s encourages me in the works of Thee Lord, remind me of my purpose and assignment and keep me on track to see those pearly white gates (Revelation 21:21)! Iron, sharpening iron indeed (Proverbs 27:17)! You cannot find this type of bond just with anyone. It had had to been orchestrated by GOD.

Why are Divine Connections Necessary?

They are necessary because they remind you of GOD and why you were placed on Earth. They are not distracted by “the norms” of society, and conformed to the current circumstances, but anchored in the truth of the Bible. These folks will keep you on assignment! They will remind you of the bigger picture. Though GOD should be the one who holds our joy, there is something sweet of how He will use those around you to remind you of Him. When I am speaking with my DC’s regarding our friendship, we always end giving the credit to GOD. I was conversing to one of them earlier this week and she had expressed, “We are truly connected as sisters in Christ. I give GOD the glory for that.” GOD is the core of our friendship. GOD is the core of it all!

Jesus even had His Divine Connections—His 12 disciples! Though He had already known them, they were specially chosen. They would be the ones to remind Him of His assignment. The disciples knew of the coming messiah (competence) by John the Baptist who spoke of “The one to come” (Matthew 3:2). When they finally learned and accepted that it was Jesus who was the messiah, Jesus was able to pour into them through His miracles, and parables (Matthew 13:13); just as they would pour their questions into Him [laughs]. The disciples had a natural chemistry to learn more, though confused and overwhelmed at times (Matthew 14:22-33), they could not resist Jesus. Jesus had a special bond with each of them and as Pastor Dawkins pointed out, Jesus never compared them to one another. The disciples stayed with Jesus for about three and a half years (commitment) before He had to complete His purpose—dying for our sins—-and remained dedicated after "His death" until they were Filled to spread The Gospel (Act 2:4).

Throughout my life, I have always gone through a “season” of friends: here today, gone tomorrow. I always wondered why I really did not have a group of childhood friends still around that I grew up with, like everyone else. I have learned that not everyone we come into contact with is supposed to stay with you forever. They are only there for a period of time to get you through that particular phase of life—that is that! My mistake was always trying to keep them around longer than needed. I have finally come to accept that it is okay for people to come and go. It is part of the process. GOD has never taken something or someone out of my life and has not given me something greater. However, when I think of my DC’s, I think of longevity; I think of purpose. I cannot wait to see how our friendship flourishes for the glory of GOD!

Be mindful of those around you who may not be keeping you focused and distracting you from what you should be doing. The enemy can also use those closest to you to deter you from what you need to do. Just continue to pray that to GOD that you will follow Him and in return your steps are ordered (Psalm 119:133-135).

“Any thing that distracts your from GOD, is not from GOD.”- Pastor D. H. Dawkins

Stay blessed!


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