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ASK SELAH!!! 1st One!

Heyyy Yall!

So I got my first Ask Selah question! How exciting! You can submit your inquiry on the "About Me" page! Just scroll down! The source will always remain anonymous and the response will be led by the Holy Ghost (Luke 21:15)!

Let’s answer!

First question:

"How do we learn to love ourselves the way He [GOD] does with all our flaws included?"

If you have not already done so, please read "Creations vs. THEE Creator" post! That is the basis of this answer!

First, you have to know WHO GOD IS. GOD is Thee Creator of ALL THINGS! He created the world in seven days (Genesis 1). When you know who GOD is then you will know who you are. In Genesis 1:27, KJV, it reads, "So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them." GOD created you in His reflection. The way He saw fit. Before you were even conceived in the flesh, you already were in the Spirit. He knew you! "Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart;" (Jeremiah 1:5, NIV). Do you not know that you are fearfully and wonderfully crafted? "I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made: marvelous are thy works; and that my soul knoweth right well” (Psalm 139:14, KJV).

Your "flaws" are your beauty! They are what makes you, YOU! To take it a step further, who said it was a flaw? Did you declare your flaws through society's definition? Selah. Your flaws are your testimony! It is like a lemon. Lemons are sour! Perceived flaws are sour! However, when lemons are added to food, they can bring out the hidden flavors! In the same token, your flaws can reveal your hidden treasures!

Flaws will make you stronger yet humble. If we were all perfect, blemished free, and pure, we would not need GOD, our faith. We would give glory to our own selves because we would not need Jesus—who died for our sins and our imperfections. GOD loved us so much that He gave His only and begotten Son; that who should ever believe in Him would not perish but have everlasting life (John 3:16)! GLORYYY! Yes, Lord! Thank You! Ya’ll excuse me!

Did you know that mankind alone, without the Holy Ghost, are not good. In other words, WE ARE FLAWED UP! In Romans 3, it speaks of this! Read it for yourself!

Second question:

“How do you truly give it all to Him?”

To give GOD your all you have to surrender it all. You must become obedient. Obedience is greater than sacrifice. Follow what GOD says you need to do (this information is supplied through the reading of the Bible and building a RELATIONSHIP with Him) and you will, through time, be able to surrender it all. Easier said than done! Of course!!!

Everything that is not Christ like, like Him, should cease. Your flesh is going to hate it! For example gossiping about others, lying, getting drunk, high, giving your precious self away without the proper marital commitment, and so forth, are not Christ like. Do not let society fool you! Our body is not ours, but GOD's'. “Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own;” 1 Corinthians 6:19, NIV.

You cannot be both Christian and carnal.

I repeat.

You cannot be both Christian and carnal.

(I love when Pastor Dawkins breaks this down!) Carnal is of Greek origin.

Carnal-> carnivores-> meat eating-> FLESH!

You cannot appease your flesh and Spirit Man at the same time! "What strengthens one kingdom, weakens another," Pastor Dawkins. THE TRUTH IN THIS! Either you are living for GOD or you are NOT! There is no neutrality, and gray area in being a Christian. Self: "Well, how do you know this Selah?" Self responds: "Cause the Bible is black and white. I even read it for myself.” YOU SHOULD READ IT TOO! GOD made EVERYTHING clear in The Book of LIFE, and "GOD is not a GOD of confusion," (Pastor Dawkins). He is a GOD of right and truth (Deuteronomy 32:4).

This is why we have to get Saved (Baptism of the Holy Ghost), become Filled (convicted by the Holy Ghost), Sanctified (set apart from the world; not separated but placed aside) and Consecrated (Holy like GOD). Once you do, then you will learn to "Deny yourself, pick up your cross, and follow Him" (Matthew 16:24). Everything you do will become Christ centered. Conviction (Fear of GOD, knowing what is right from wrong- regarding a Christian lifestyle) will be in one hand, and compassion (grace and mercy on others as GOD renews these each morning for us; loving thy neighbor as thyself-Lamentations 3:23 & Matthew 22:39) will be in the other.

Remember, GOD created you and HE IS THE ONLY ONE WHO CAN GIVE YOU PURPOSE AND VALUE. He is THEE CREATOR OF ALL THINGS. Therefore every thing else are creations! You are beautiful and your “imperfections” are your testimony. Do not let them become a burden, but a bridge to get closer to your salvation. Take it day by day! GOD knows if you are being truthful and willing in your motivates or just trying to “look” as if you are (relational vs. religious). You cannot fake it with Him. He will see through it ALL! He is patiently waiting for you to come back to Him. 2 Peter 3:9, NIV, “The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise, as some understand slowness. Instead he is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance.” Selah.

Please do not take advantage of this.

The time is now.

He’s waiting.

Are you willing???


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