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Diary Dialogue Three: Yep. All About Me

Dear Diary,

Time is surely flying! It was just Sunday! Once you realize the urgency of completing your purpose before you are called home, you understand the value and importance of time.

This week, I put my foot down. I AM PLACING MYSELF AS #1. We often get so caught up with servicing others that we are placed on the back burner. BUT WAIT! It is our responsibility to take care of ourselves and work out our own salvation (Philippians 2:12). GOD is not going to ask you about what other people were doing in your life. He will ask you “What have YOU done with the time that was granted to you?!” Selah! Listen, I understand that everyone needs support and compassion, but who is going to consider you, if you do not? Folks will begin to take advantage of your availability, and before you know it, you become a slave to everyone else’s agenda and needs!

What about your future?

What about your assignment?

What about your plans?


I am no longer getting lost in other people’s lives. I must take care of myself and put me first! This goes for family, friends and work! There is nothing wrong with being selfish when it comes to the work of the Kingdom. Reason being, your “selfishness” is really selflessness! You realize that there are deadlines and objectives that must be met, and therefore you must be obedient and sacrifice a few things. Things such as the perceptions of you from others, time away from certain people and more time with people who are there to keep you on assignment (Divine Connections, church, seminary workshops, fellowshipping, and so forth). You are valuable and “a limited resource, therefore you will disappoint some” (Bishop T.D. Jakes). In the end, it will be worth it!

In addition, I have finally mastered the ability of not needing to explain myself to anyone who purposely chooses to not understand where I am coming from. You know, folks who ask you “What’s wrong,” but really do not care. They already have their answer to your answer? Yeah those! My actions will now explain it all. I get so frustrated and tired of having to “include” others into what GOD and I have already discussed. Why do I need to enlighten you of WHY and HOW I choose to do things and WHAT is going on, if I do not need to? I am practicing the “quick to listen, but slow to speak” attitude, but more like “question to even listen, and not gone speak” attitude [laughs]. If you do not get where I am going, that is fine. You are not supposed to! It is my journey! Selah…

My time management has been getting sharper! GOD will cause circumstances to come into your life to see how well you can handle the pressure! Being busy ALL THE TIME, forces you to reevaluate how you will distribute your time and energy! I think I am getting a rhythm in doing so! I am sorting all my priorities and non-priorities and placing them in order of importance! I need to start fine-tuning these principals now because I am confident that my schedule will only get more hectic and GOD Willing, I will become a wife and mother and need to understand how to balance. I ALWAYS think LONG TERM! All that we go through is not just for the PRESENT! Change your perception!

You cannot take care of others unless you take care of yourself!

Enjoy you and value you! Stop wasting your energy on things that will not matter tomorrow. GOD sees it all, and when you are giving your all, that should always bring you comfort!



(Picture courtsey of by Rashell Selah)

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