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Ask SELAH 2!

Hey Yall! We are back for round two!

You can submit your inquiry on the "About Me" page! Just scroll down! The source will always remain anonymous, and the response will be led by the Holy Ghost (Luke 21:15)!

Question: “I have always been told that I should pray for things and GOD will answer. How do I know it is Him answering me or me telling me what I to happen?”

Let’s answer!

Very good question by the way! Many of us have at least asked ourselves “Is this GOD?” or “Am I seeing things?” What we must understand is that GOD is sovereign and therefore what He says goes. When we do not declare, and decree Jesus Christ as BOTH Lord and Savior, we place ourselves in authority over the matters in our lives.

As we learned from last week’s Sunday Sermon Summary: "There Are Some Non-Negotiables in My Life," we learned that:

Proverbs 14:12 (KJV)

There is a way which seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death.

Proverbs 16:25 (KJV)

There is a way that seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death.

When GOD has to repeat Himself, He is making Himself very clear.

Doing things in the ways YOU see fit will only lead to death! Understand we alone, without the Baptism of the Holy Spirit, are wicked, wrong and wretched. As I also mentioned in “Ask Selah: 1st One!,” read Romans 3, it speaks of the true nature of man. We, alone, naturally, will lead ourselves to disaster.

Referring back to the question, so how do we know the difference?

Two part answer.

First facet: Do you have a relationship?

Ask yourself this, “Do I really have a relationship with GOD?” Well Selah, how do you know if you do?

Check which applies:

  1. Does GOD know me on a first name basis or only when I need to get of a situation?

  2. Do I give Him thanks even when things do not go my way?

  3. Do I talk and listen to Him when I wake up? Before bed?

  4. Do I have devotionals (Him and me time) everyday?

  5. Is my prayer life strong?

  6. Am I reading or have completed reading the Bible?

  7. Do I tell others about Him?

  8. Am I loyal to His ways? Am I obedient? Do I try my best to be?

  9. Would my actions be right in His eyes?

These are just a few questions to locate the health of your relationship with GOD. Obviously GOD created you and knows who you are from HIS standpoint, but does He know you from YOURS? Do you do what is needed, as an obedient child of GOD would do? In other words, are you pulling your weight? Or are placing all of the work on GOD?

If you do not regularly communicate with Him, which this is a MAJOR factor for any type of viable relationship, then how would you even know if He was speaking or directing your paths? Selah. You cannot expect GOD to give you want you want, and you have not done anything. As Pastor Dawkins says best, “You cannot make withdrawals in places you never deposited in.”

Second facet: Are you Baptized with the Holy Ghost?

Being Baptized with the Holy Ghost is GOD gift to us (John 14:15-31). The Holy Ghost is our comforter. In a sense He, GOD, Jesus, would want to keep you at peace, away from danger. The Holy Ghost can be seen as a personal bodyguard. He is with you at all times, watching over you. He is where you will get your 24/7 guidance. The Bible is the written version; You know, The Handbook of Life. Once Saved, then Filled with the Holy Ghost, the Bible will confirm or correct everything you need to know. Keep in my mind, GOD has kept certain things to Himself in order to remain sovereign; in order to build our faith. The Holy Ghost can prevent you from entering dangerous situations, but the reason why may not be revealed until later on. You will make the choice to either listen or not. This has happened so many times before I got "officially" Saved. However, after getting Saved I am WAY MORE CONVICTED and the weight of accountability has increased! I know better, therefore I should do better!

So to answer the question, you need a relationship with GOD, and have the Holy Spirit dwelling with you! You need to build a relationship with GOD so that you can walk in His ways (Psalm 37:23), and therefore His desires will become yours. “But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you” (Matthew 6:33, KJV). Your desires will become His and will be taken cared of! He had called us to live life abundantly (John 10: 9-10). Again, man alone is not good. Our own hearts are of sinful nature (Matthew 15:19). This is why the Holy Ghost is needed.

When various occassions come up in life, you will not have to ask yourself, “Is this from GOD, or not.”

You will know.

Hoped that helped!


If it is your desire to go to Heaven and be with Thee Lord, I urge you to give your life back to Christ. Be Baptized with the Holy Ghost today. There is no better time than now. GOD Bless You.

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