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Singlehood: How to Become Prey

While enjoying being single and having this fabulous time to yourself where you do not have to check in with anyone and is free to do whatever, whenever! However, there is one key to remember: We as singles, should keep in mind that we were not created to be alone (Genesis 2:18). Therefore we should still present ourselves in a manner that eventually leads us to our husband or wife.

Now prey in this context will be that of a woman. As the Bible clearly states, “Whoso findeth a wife findeth a good thing, and obtaineth favour of the LORD” (Proverbs 18:22). Key word: FIND! We as women are supposed to be found; which in returns makes men, hunters. Selah. When you REALLY understand this concept, you (women) will save yourself a lot of headaches, situationships (Read “Dating Potential: Stop Playing Yourself”), and wasted time—especially time, which you can never get back!

Remember, Thee Bible is based on order and obedience. There are systems that must be properly completed for The Word to come to pass. You cannot be rebellious and live your life how you see fit then expect GOD, who knows your heart and the source of its’ truth, to come and save you from your mess! YOU KNOW BETTER. GOD is not a part time GOD. You cannot expect all the yearly BENEFITS, but work seasonal! [snaps!]

So how do we go about becoming prey?

Glad you asked! I have come up with a few guidelines that will make you (including myself of course) more captivating to your future spouse.

Let's begin!

Be Attractive

Obviously, prey is attractive! I know we say “Don’t judge a book by its’ cover,” I agree, BUT please keep in mind that presentation is key! That is why prey is prey to begin with! It is appealing! Are you carrying yourself in a way that would draw potential spouses towards you?

Such as:

  1. Do you up keep your hair; also known as your “Crown and Glory?”

  2. Do you present yourself as a wife?

  3. Do you reflect the “Proverbs 31 Woman” BEFORE marriage?

  4. Are you even a wife to begin with?

  5. Do you dress modestly or can the world play “operator” with you? [laughs](Google is you do not know)

  6. How is your hygiene? Do you shower and brush your teeth twice a day? Do you know the purpose of deodorant? Perfume? Lotion?

  7. Are your nails (hand and feet) clean? Are your hands and feet well- moisturized (DETAILS!)?

  8. Can you cook, not just microwave?

You all get the point. These can be seen as external “bait.” This is how you may catch the eye of your potential spouse. We must remember, someone is ALWAYS taking notice of you…even right now!

Be Exclusive

There is a beauty to being exclusive. Men are typically not attracted to those who are always available and easily accessible (Read “Dating Potential: Stop Playing Yourself”). The chase is gone and there is no mystery to you. Remember men are hunters and your bait has to desired!

You do not always have to be available. Learning to keep to yourself will cause him to reevaluate his angle in getting you. Yes, you should have a wall up. As I have once expressed not everyone should have easy access to you (both men and women). Practice discretion and privacy. We must realize that once these walls come down, so does an abundance of ‪treasure. Not everyone deserves to reap. Not everyone is worth it. Be careful. Protect yourself (‪‎Proverbs 4:23). If he chooses to not work to try to get to you, then he ain’t the one! IF HE REALLY WANTED YOU, NOTHING WOULD STOP HIM. NOTHING! The simple fact is that he is going to have to work! Men love a challenge worth reaping! It excites them! Makes them want to do better!

I found this statement by Johnmomplaisir as I was scrolling through Instagram:

His caption speaks of the type of mentally that I am writing about! What is worth having will not come easy! If you have to climb over walls, well so be it! Do you not smell the hunter in Johnmomplaisir?

Of course there is a balance to this. There is no need to have a wall, with bob-wire, surrounded with Pit Bulls and German Shepherds, a squat team and a nuclear bomb. I am saying that a wall is in place to let potentials know that effort, actions of consistency and patience, is needed for access.

Be Busy

Stay busy! Keep yourself occupied! Do the work of the Kingdom (Proverbs 31:17-18). Live for GOD! I can personally relate to this! Doing this blog is my way—purpose, of doing Kingdom work! I am speaking life, and encouraging others through my journey. I am at church four days out of the week for teaching, praising and fellowshipping! Yes! Your girl is on it!

I do not have the time to become depressed because I am single. I have accepted the season, but in the same breathe, taking advantage of it! I am giving my time to Thee One who created it— GOD. Before you are found by your RibCage, GOD is your first love. He is your Groom, Husband and Friend. You learn to be faithful, committed, loyal, beautiful, unconditional, forgiving, and so forth from and with Him. This is your "practice round."

How are you going to be submissive to a man if you cannot be to Thee One who created man to begin with?

Why give you such a blessing when you do not even qualify with GOD?

Again, this is why Singlehood is important. GOD gives you value and purpose. It is through the sharpening and fire, that you become fine-tuned and truly equipped. Many of us may be single because we are not completely devoted to GOD. If we get into a relationship, we will forget whom GOD is and what He has done. He wants you so in love with Him that temptations will become turnoffs; That anything that is not of Christ, is not of you!; The smell of a snake or wolf will hit your Spirit and cause you to run the other way. He wants you so in love with Him, that when you see your spouse, you will see Him and give Him ALL THE GLORY! That is where He needs us to be! GOD is supreme over ALL THINGS AND PEOPLE in my life! A title, ring, or baby cannot substitute His place. He is SOVEREIGN. HALLELUJAH! Stay focused on GOD!

The absolute #1 way to become prey is:

Be obedient!

Leave it ALL to GOD!

GOD is Thee Author and Illustrator of ALL things. Power, is He. When you have declared Jesus as your Lord and Savior, being obedient in Thee Word, having a heart after Christ, and accepted the honorable burden of winning souls for the Kingdom— THERE IS NOTHING GOD WILL NOT DO FOR YOU!

Psalm 121 (KJV)

1I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills, from whence cometh my help.

2 My help cometh from the Lord, which made heaven and earth.

3 He will not suffer thy foot to be moved: he that keepeth thee will not slumber.

4 Behold, he that keepeth Israel shall neither slumber nor sleep.

5 The Lord is thy keeper: the Lord is thy shade upon thy right hand.

6 The sun shall not smite thee by day, nor the moon by night.

7 The Lord shall preserve thee from all evil: he shall preserve thy soul.

8 The Lord shall preserve thy going out and thy coming in from this time forth, and even for evermore.

“But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you” (Matthew 6:33, KJV). Your desires will become His! He had called us to live life abundantly (John 10: 9-10).

Do not get caught up with what you SEE! Be diligent in the works of the Lord and He will take care of the rest! Oh how we forget how GOD is a keeper! He got you, if you got Him! Before you know it, Singlehood will come to an end (which may be seen as bittersweet). Again, take advantage of it, but in the mean time GET YOURSELF RIGHT FOR YOUR SPOUSE! There is still work to be done on your end.

Queen, if you trust and believe in GOD, you do not have to worry yourself. It is completely out of your control when it comes to knowing the plans that GOD has for you. Your husband is being groomed, trained, and matured for you, just as you should be doing for him. Knowing that I am on path to becoming the best wife, mother, partner, friend and lover for my husband makes my work seem not of vain!

Be patient. Be lovely. Be the Queen that you are.

“Trust in the LORD, and do good; so shalt thou dwell in the land, and verily thou shalt be fed. Delight thyself also in the LORD; and he shall give thee the desires of thine heart; ommit thy way unto the LORD; trust also in him; and he shall bring it to pass (Psalm 37: 3-5).

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