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Singlehood: Courtship GOALS!

Hey Yall! So this week I am focusing on singles! Thee Lord has placed it upon my heart to do so!

As I was on Instagram, (yes again!) One of my peers had posted how she and her boyfriend had chosen to wait to kiss each other until their wedding day. I instantly fell in love! Not only to the fact that they were choosing to wait, but also to the fact that they chose to deny themselves, be obedient in the spirit, and allowed GOD to work through them!

This in return made me think about my own courtship goals! Now please keep in mind these are not ALL of my goals, but the overall feel of what I hope to achieve. In addition, there is another party, my boyfriend, who too will have his input included.

What is courtship?

Google (2015) says:

A period during which a couple develop a romantic relationship, especially with a view to marriage.”

“Behavior designed to persuade someone to marry or develop a romantic relationship with one.

Got Questions Ministries (2015) says:

“Courtship takes the position that the two people have no physical contact at all (no touching, no hand-holding, no kissing) until marriage. Many in a courtship relationship will not spend any time together unless family members, preferably parents, are present at all times. In addition, courting couples state up front that their intentions are to see if the other person is a suitable potential marriage partner. Courtship advocates claim that courtship allows for the two people to truly get to know each other in a more platonic setting without the pressures of physical intimacy or emotions clouding their view.”

Obviously I am currently dwelling in Singlehood, but can a girl dream?! [laughs] If it was up to me, I do not plan on being single forever! I do look forward to being a wife. You know cooking, cleaning, catering, being barefoot and pregnant with baby number three on the way, planning our weekend getaways, arguing over the toilet seat being up, pretending to be paying attention to football, always shopping for the house, and getting end of the day foot rubs. You know what marriage entails! [laughs]

When I do transition over from friendship (Read “Let’s Be Friends” under Singlehood tab) to courtship, guidelines and expectations will have to discussed. This is very important: here we are practicing communication and partnership for the future.

So what are my courtship goals?

No Kissing

Yep! No mouth-to-mouth resuscitation here! Kissing can be very sensual and the catalyst for the next step. I am not interested in going any further than I need to go. I think regular cheek kisses, and hand kisses are safe. The forehead kiss is another type of sensual kiss. It is like a silent thief in the night: Quiet, cautious, but still dangerous! It is completely on its’ own level. On one extreme it is innocent; on the other, it is endearing. So no to those! Besides the big elephant in the room, (Read "25 & Still Virgin? WHEREEE?!," under "Testimonials" menu tab), let us look forward to our first kiss as well. We will knock down all of our physical barriers once it is official and have the liberty to taking it to whatever level we desire. As for now, let us keep it sweet and innocent.

Chaperone Dates

Sounds old school right? Yep! I know! I know! I think chaperone dates are different and still relevant. Honestly I am still on the fence about them, but I think I am leaning towards having them. I believe not having the ability to be alone, will intensify the moment when we are finally able to be. In addition it reminds us to remain holy, and walk in the ways of Thee Lord. I like the old school, traditional sense of it. We shall see!

Prayer & Going to Church Together

A couple that prays together, stays together.” Amen to that!

One of the biggest factors I look forward to is being able to worship and pray with my future RibCage; my best friend. This is a raw, spiritual, type of bond. Where our love of Jesus runs supreme. Where there are no discussions, debates, division, when it comes to the placement and position of GOD in our lives. He is number one and the foundation of ALL; the foundation of us! This where I want to be! Doing the work of the Kingdom, together!

After being friends, and then transitioning into courtship, I do walk in the mindset that marriage is the end goal. This is why I am single now. Relationships should not be taken lightly. Of course nothing is set in stone! I do have to be considerate what “he” (whomever that is) wants to do as well! This is what I am requesting and I am sure that there will be a lot more to deliberate on. As long as we meet at a common ground and see the end goal, we should be good!

Speaking to one of my Divine Connections, they reminded me to let things be and let GOD handle it. This is why it is important to be around those who GOD has placed in your lives, to remind you to stay on track, and that Thee Lord shall provide (Matthew 6:33)!

The next person who I take interest in, well who takes serious interest in me rather, will be a person that I can see myself committing to for the rest of my life.

Until then, GOD and I are good!



Google. (2015). Definition of courtship.

Got Questions Ministries. (2015). Question: "What is the difference between dating and courting?" Retrieved from

(Pictures courtsey of edited by Rashell Selah,,


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