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Sunday Sermon Summary: “You Are Too Anointed to Remain Anonymous”

Praise Tabernacle International, Plantation, FL.

Guest Speaker: Elder Leo Stoney

Today’s Sunday service topic focused on the power of your annointence!

Key Verses:

1 Samuel 16:10-13 (KJV)

10 Again, Jesse made seven of his sons to pass before Samuel. And Samuel said unto Jesse, The Lord hath not chosen these.

11 And Samuel said unto Jesse, Are here all thy children? And he said, There remaineth yet the youngest, and, behold, he keepeth the sheep. And Samuel said unto Jesse, Send and fetch him: for we will not sit down till he come hither.

12 And he sent, and brought him in. Now he was ruddy, and withal of a beautiful countenance, and goodly to look to. And the Lord said, Arise, anoint him: for this is he.

13 Then Samuel took the horn of oil, and anointed him in the midst of his brethren: and the Spirit of the Lord came upon David from that day forward. So Samuel rose up, and went to Ramah.

Elder Leo had expressed that in this generation how popularity is seen as success, but work is the true success. This generation has no sense of learning. They are driven by materialistic things. There appears to be a new yearning: “The more I have, the better I am.” Some of us are being led by our own desires, which has nothing to do with Thee Will of their lives! These desires have led some of us to embarrassing, and uncomfortable situations. GOD wants to reset, refocus, and highlight your future! Through His grace, He has afforded you more time. “Get excited for time!” When others thought you lost from one angle, GOD made you win from another. “My angle is going to get the victory!” We must understand that “some calls can be detrimental to your destiny.” This is when we thank GOD for the things that did not happen in our lives.

To switch the script, there are some things in our “line-up,” that does not coincide with GOD. Be grateful that He did not use what He knew you did, against you. He turned a blind eye! “My line-up didn’t line up to His Will.” You know, a line-up when possible criminals are placed in front of a double mirror, to be pointed out for a possible crime? Yes, that “line-up.” We will not admit to the things that we have done, even though we know we are guilty. Even when there is an eye-witness. If we would just repent, and come to GOD, He will handle the rest! Be grateful that “GOD did not leave me where others left me.” It is time for you to PACK YOUR BAGS for the LAST TIME, and tell both yourself, and the enemy “I AIN’T COMING BACK NO MORE. You won’t see me again. I am on my way to my destiny!”

We some times “mess up so bad that” [we] “do not know where” [we] “belong.” We get so comfortable with our “temporal” situations. We get comfortable in the places where we should be preparing ourselves for the latter. These waiting periods should be seen as the “maintenance place for your life.” When you are in a place that you are waiting on GOD, that is the BEST place you can be! Why? Again, if we would just repent, and come to GOD, “He gone put you back better before than where he left you!”

Life Application

What I took away from this sermon is that you are too anointed to let your past, and even your own fears, keep you hostage from what you need to do in moving forward. Every stage in life is in need of a proper preparation period. I can attest to this regarding Singlehood. Never take advantage of these times, because as Elder Stoney expressed, these periods will help you maintain what you receive in the next chapter in your life.

Relating back to the above key texts, David was in one of the “maintenance places” of his life. He did not know then, but He would called to be king for the Children of Israel. Though overlooked by his own father regarding his duty in keeping sheep (HALLELUJAH!), what looked minute to his father, spoke volume in GOD’s’ eyes! When Samuel seen David, he instantly knew that he was “the one.” We must remember that in all that we do, GOD has the final say. He sees us for what we are suppose to be, and not all of the wrong that we have done. Thank GOD for His mercy!

What are you hiding from that is keeping you from showing your true purpose in life?

Your purpose is waiting to be fulfilled!

Just come to GOD, as you are…

…What are you waiting on?

GOD Bless! Happy SONday!


(picture courtsey of: by Rashell Selah)

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1050 NW 43rd Avenue 

Plantation, FL 33313


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