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Diary Dialogue Five: Faithful Walk

Deary Diary,

This week was all over the place! [Laughs] Nothing correlated together! That is the beauty of life, and trusting in GOD!

This week I experienced how we go through lessons that will prepare us for the next level of our lives. I learned being careful of what we sow, and what we say. For we reap what was planted, and there is power in the words we voice (Galatians 6:7, Proverbs 18:21). You can either speak life, or death. We must be careful in every given situation we come across. You cannot take back what was said. I am really practicing “slow to speak, but quick to hear.” It is a process, but I am determined to get there! We need to learn how to give grace to others, as GOD so faithfully do upon us each, and every day.

Speaking of speaking life [laughs], I stepped out on faith this week! I had a personal goal, stuck to it, and accomplished it! What a wonderful feeling to say you are going to do some thing, and you do! Regardless of the circumstances, and repercussions. I did not let fear overtake me, but faith! There are a few hints that GOD will drop in your spirit regarding your destiny. Again, you have freewill to either listen or not. There are a few of things that I know I need to do, and I cannot afford to ignore. I CANNOT DEAL WITH THE CONSEQENCES! I cannot afford to!!!

Though I may not have all my ducks lined up in the way I would desire, I know that my steps are being ordered. I know that GOD is working on my behalf! I know that GREATER things are coming! Hallelujah! I must remember that GOD has always been on my side, and a Keeper is HE (Psalm 121)! I just gotta do my part. I just need to remain prayerful, and obedient. All shall fall in place in due time. Through GOD, I know it will.


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