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Singlehood: Q&A-Right Before the “I Do’s!”

Ever wondered how people who were engaged to be married felt? I know I have! What if I had some insight on this!

One of my Divine Connections (DC) is about to be officially taken off the market! They are about to take the big step into Marrigehood (so not a real word) [laughs]! Being that I am currently in my Singlehood, this news is so wonderful! So wonderful that I wanted to share some inside scoop with us fellow singles regarding how my DC felt about the approaching BIG DAY!

You all can thank me later!

1. What are your overall feelings right now? Walk me through it.

"Excited, but nervous. At this point, I am starting to consider what everyone was saying. Should we really be getting married? Are we really ready? Are we rushing into things? These things stay in my head until we start talking on the phone. Then I am reminded of exactly why I love him, and that I cannot imagine life without him. I love my crazy fiancé. Those thoughts still occur, but then I tell myself I have to leave it God. He can take care of the rest as long as we keep Him close."

2. Is this how you imagined it (the wedding plans) would happen?

"I was never into the whole looking at wedding dresses, or looking through bride magazines. I like my life to be simple and stress free. We are having a courthouse wedding, and celebrating with close family, and friends. I imagined my late mother would have been there, and we would have had it at my old house in Florida. However, I am grateful for all the people that will be attending."

3. Were you courted (Read “Courtship GOALS” under “Testimonials- Singlehood tab”)?

"We had a long distance relationship. Therefore, we did not have the traditional courtship structure. We were forced to 'follow the rules' by default. Being long distance, and forming off the basis of a friendship allowed me to really get to know him. Being physical with him did not blind me. I got to listen to everything he was saying, and seeing if we were in agreement. I got to know my future husband and best friend."

4. How do you feel about the role you will be taking on, once you become married?

"This role…hhhmmmmmm. This is when I wish a paid more attention to my mother, and auntie cooking in the kitchen. He knows how to cook a few good meals just like myself. Therefore, really good meals at home will be hard to come by. [Laughs]. I told him the first few meals we will have to cook together. Teamwork makes the dream work!"

5. Black or Red?

"This is tough. I love black for clothing, and red to accessorize. Hmmm red it is. It is so passionate."

6. Is your future spouse really “The One”?

"'The One'...hmmmm. I do not believe that there is such thing as the one. I believe you can love more than one person, because each person may capture different aspects of what you are looking for. He captures the most important thing I need from my life partner; sweet, caring, loving, and most important of all he is crazy just like me!"

7. Why do you even want to get married?

"There is a point in the relationship where it cannot move forward (if you want to do things the right way). I love him, and I know him better than he knows himself. Life is short, so why not live it with the one I love? I look forward to the adventures we will have together, and being there for him when he needs me the most."

8. What is the foundation/core of your relationship?

"God and honesty! We have different religions, and we both understand that God comes first. In order for us to make it as a couple we will continue to put Him first. Our religions are different, but more similar than people may think. Also, I must say honesty. We have a pact that if we are mad we must speak to clear the air. No holding things in."

9. Do you actually feel like you can last “forever” with one person?

"Yes! Earlier I said each person may capture different aspects of what you are looking for. Therefore, when you decide to get married, it is more than just loving. It's a commitment to be with the person no matter what (unless he/she does something unforgivable). So yes, you can last forever as long as you understand that the relationship will not stay in the “lovey dovey” stage forever."

10. Did you ever think this day would come?

"Noooooooo! Whenever I thought about love, I never saw myself deep in love. I never thought I could even use the words 'baby,' or 'honey' naturally. However, with my finacé, I use it so freely, and comfortably. Also, I did not think I would be with someone worth marrying. Our American men do not want to commit. I am so glad I found him, and I look forward to the married life."

11. What do you look forward, once “The Day” arrives?

"Well I look forward to seeing my friends, and family. However, I really look forward to our honeymoon night! I waited almost 25 LONGGG years, so I am more than ready!"

12. If any, what is your biggest concern once you tie the knot?

"Will we run out of things to talk about? Will we have a boring marriage? Will I one day wake, and just hate him for no reason? I think about crazy people things. I am really worried about the unknown. I guess I'll just have to wait and see how things play out."

13. Do you have any cold feet?

"I get 'omg am I really doing this?' moments. But, I feel more excited to living life with my honey bunny. Especially now that we have our living situation nicely arranged."

14. Any other thoughts you want to share?

"Ladies… When you find the man you are meant to be with do not mind what people say. You could find the most perfect guy, and people will want to share their words of wisdom. Listen to them, but remember this is your life, and not theirs. Do what makes you happy, not, your mother, father or etc!"


I am genuinely happy for my DC! It is such a wonderful blessing to finally be united with your RibCage! Words cannot explain how much joy I have for them! She is so deserving of her mate, and I pray that GOD continues to cover them! You know you are getting old when folks around you are getting married, and settling down!

Let it all be for the glory of GOD!

Hope you enjoyed!

GOD Bless!


(picture courtsey of Number 5)

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