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Sunday Sermon Summary: “I WAS BORN!”

Praise Tabernacle International, Plantation, FL.

Pastor D. H. Dawkins, Sr.

“From Heaven’s angle death is rejoiced, and birth in Earth is a time for mourning.”

Today was Christmas Sunday at Praise Tabernacle International (PTI)! The service topic spoke about YOU!

The key verse was from Luke 2:7 (KJV), Clause A.

It reads:

“And she brought forth her firstborn son…”

The above verse is referring to Mary, giving birth to Immanuel, Jesus.

Pastor Dawkins focused on the timing of this, and connected this to how Christmas is Sovereign (GOD) timing in our lives.

There is an appointed time for everything (Ecclesiastes 3:1-11). In verse 11, it is made clear that GOD controls this timing over our lives: “He hath made every thing beautiful in his time: also he hath set the world in their heart, so that no man can find out the work that God maketh from the beginning to the end” (KJV). Eternity has been set in our hearts. You life is time sensitive. The use of a Human mother, giving birth to a Human child symbolizes Humanity. This was divinity, as GOD became flesh!

GOD knows every detail in our lives. He sees us from Heaven, and coordinates from there. The question is, "What do you do when GOD inconvenience’s us?" In Mary’s case, Jesus’s birth appeared to be an inconvenience from all angles:

  1. She was not yet married to Joseph (hence why she is viewed as “Virgin Mary”). Jesus’s birth would be especially taboo in those times, since a woman having children meant that she was wedded. Both Joseph, and her reputation was on the line.

  2. She was not in the right location. The prophecy said that The Messiah would come from Bethlehem, and the tribe of Judah.

  3. She was in a strange town. No family. No friends.

We get frustrated at the snapshots of life. However, the reality is you usually get ONE piece of the puzzle. Why? Because this is how GOD is Sovereign, Dominion!

Jesus’s’ birth was inconvenient, but perfect. In Genesis 3:15, after the fall of Adam, and Eve, in the First Coming of Jesus was spoken of! It reads: “And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel” (KJV)-remember this verse!

From your perspective all is going wrong, but GOD’s glory it is working together. Even all the insignificance things are working together! Greek philosophers were great at digging up questions, regarding the world around us. In actuality they were sowing the seed for Christ! JESUS IS THE ANSWER!

Here’s a quick guide to decisions, and timing:

Wrong decision + Wrong time = Disaster

Wrong decision + Right time = Mistake

Right decision + Wrong time = Rejection

Right decision + Right time = SUCCESS!

GOD is saying to Himself “If I could just get YOU THERE!

A woman comes closest to death when she is giving birth. Death can be seen as leaving one realm, and entering another; Your immortal spirit, taking on a mortal body, and your mother being the recipient. You die in one realm, to live in another. This can been seen through afterbirth. What was once a womb is now a tomb. The womb is saddened because, life has left, and it is no longer needed. However, in the same breathe the world is rejoicing, and welcoming in arrival of baby.

Your birth alone speaks of power! Angels were given to protect you, at the same time demons were assigned (by the enemy). Since the devil knows that he cannot destroy you, he will do everything to distract you! He will do whatever he can so you can omit yourself from hearing “Well Done” (Matthew 25:23).

When "You" were born:

  1. Warfare intensified- the enemy has a hit out on you. He knows your capabilities!

  2. Walk was initiated- the synchronization of events caused to become Saved.

  3. Worship was invited- You knew that GOD was the source of it all.

Now back to Genesis 3:15 “And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel” (KJV). Our first birth is physical, bout our second birth is spiritual. When you were Born Again, YOU KICKED SATAN IN THE JAW! Why? Because you are a CHILD OF GOD! This veres symbolizes every Born Again person who gives their life back to Christ! Gloryyy!!!

Life Application

“From Heaven’s angle death is rejoiced, and birth in Earth is a time for mourning.” I instantly imagined myself falling through eternity, and entering Earth. On a quest, on assignment, for GOD’s’ glory! When you are Born Again you have declared which Kingdom you belong to. Satan knows he has lost yet another soul. Please keep in mind that EVERY SOUL MATTERS! As Pastor expressed above, EVERY step was ordered to get us SAVED! (Glory!) To get us closer to home. To get us to GOD! You surviving birth alone means that you are valuable! You matter! Do not ever think for a second that it was “coincidence” that you are here today! THE DEVIL IS A LIAR! You have a purpose here! Again, the enemy will create ways to prolong your transformation into becoming what GOD has destined you to be. BUT! THERE IS A GOD, who is a KEEPER! (Yes, Lord!) Who is PATIENTLY waiting for your return home! If only you knew the blessings that lies ahead of you!

You are here for greater.

When will you recognize that?

When will you embrace it?


(Picture courtsey of by Rashell Selah)

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