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What Does CHRISTmas Mean to Me?

Christmas is a time of reflection, and thanks giving! I am a Saint, so Christmas is all about JESUS! The older you get the more you come into realization of the true “Reason for the Season.

Growing up we really did not do the whole “Santa Claus” thing, with presents underneath a tree. I cannot remember my family ever speaking of a Santa Claus. I do remember getting gifts from the extracurricular programs that I was involved in. As I got older through my teenage years, Christmas just became a time of gratefulness of the simple things in life. As a child, I was kind of perplexed of why we did not go Christmas shopping, and exchange gifts, but now as an adult everything has come full-circled.

When GOD sees fit, my family and I will have similar practices, as I did as a child. I love decorating, and getting into the “Christmas Spirit,” but I think I am going to do a “one gift rule” where we all buy one present for the other members of the family, express what it means to the gift giver, but most importantly relate it back to Christ. I do not want to get hung up on the “receiving of gifts” as the core of Christmas. I still want my children to participate in the holiday, but in GOD’s way! I want to start this at an early age when my children are able to understand what is going on. As it is written “Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it” (Proverbs 22:6, KJV).

Being single (in the flesh, but never in the spirit), and accustom to experiencing Christmas with myself, does not really bother me. As already expressed I have accepted my season, and am really enjoying myself! Every season has its’ beauty, and silver lining, but it is all good! I am honestly better than I was last year! Last year during this time I was in a space where I wanted to be “seen,” and be someone’s “eye/arm candy” for holiday parties, and so forth. Ask me if I am the same now—NOPE! I am GOOD! There will be a time where I will not even have to think twice about being asked to attend festivities as these! In due time! In due season!

I actually spoke of this last week on my Facebook page:

I am just grateful that I am privileged to see a Christmas every year! GOD sees fit to allow me to continue to fulfill my purpose for His glory! What a lovely burden to have! I just pray that we, as people, really take in the reason for the season: Jesus.

After all the gifts are bought, decorations are placed up, and jingles are sung, gratitude is given to The Precious Lamb that was slain on our behalf. No we were not deserving, or worthy, BUT: “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved” (John 3:16-17, KJV).


Merry CHRISTmas!


(Picture courtsey of

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