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Sunday Sermon Summary: “BREAK OUT!!!”

Praise Tabernacle International, Plantation, FL.

Pastor D. H. Dawkins, Sr.

The key verse was from Lamentations 3:7, KJV:

“He hath hedged me about, that I cannot get out:”

Today’s sermon topic spoke about boxes.

Some of us speak more of victory, than we actually live it. Some did not walk in a sustained time in victory, and therefore there is a lack of evidence. This could have been due to an absence of personal organization, which yielded agony.

Some of us have redefined victory as GOD described by GOD through Thee Word, and have tampered it in the standard of how the worldly presentation depicts victory. Victorious living has been seen in image, status, finances, and so forth. These are not formations of things in Christ. Because of this altered worldly view, now victorious living becomes a “thought,” a box of limitations.

Many of you dream only as far as you can imagine. Have you forgotten that you were designed, and wired to desire for an abundance of living (John 10:10)? This is ONLY TRUE IF YOUR ARE SAVED, BORN AGAIN (have received the Baptism of the Holy Spirit). When speaking of the desires of your heart (Psalm 20:4, Psalm 37:4), the Bible is referring to POST-SALVATION (after you are made new, and have become a child of GOD), not Pre-salvation (desires from our “own scope,” and not of GOD). Anything that is not of GOD is incarceration to you! There will be some “warring desires” in you, but please know when you are Born Again there is no devil in you! Only ONE kingdom can reside in you! (I received that!)

Designing your lives in a box means there are limitations.

If you are boxed in, you:

  1. Cannot walk properly

  2. Cannot worship freely

  3. Cannot work efficiently

  4. Cannot witness effectively

When you bring others in your box they will also be hindered.

Three ways to get boxed in:

  1. Satan- self-explanatory

  2. Yourself- myopic thinking; you are unable to see far.

  3. Others- people have pulled you in. You are bound by associations—connections (mutual agreements) and/or attachments (leech that never deposit into the relationship).

The enemy tries to slow us down for going for GOD.

Three types of boxes are:

  1. Troubles & Hardships- (Psalm 40; Lamentations 3:5; Psalm 34:17)

  2. Terror & Fear- (Psalm 33:13; Job 22:10; 2 Timothy 1:7, Psalm 56:3)

  3. Tradition & Religion- (Colossians 2:8)

If it makes you depend on it more than Christ IT IS EVIL. This is because when you lose “it,” your faith is lost with “it” as well. Some have made a moment, into a monument. In other words, a personal moment has now been turned into a doctrine for everyone else. This is a “carbon copy” of a personal experience. Another example of tradition is how worship is not limited to church! Worship is a lifestyle, and occurs everywhere. Choices are results of the understanding of your worship.

You need to come out of your box because it is starting to rain! GOD is pouring out, and you will miss all of it, staying in that box of yours!

"Break out! Take the limits off! Is 2016 ready for you?"- Pastor D. H. Dawkins

Life Application

This sermon was POWERFUL! Especially for the LAST SUNDAY of the year!!! Glory to GOD! GOD looks forward to taking to you places that you never imagined that you could ever be! We can hinder ourselves from the falsely, worldly perceptions we use to validate ourselves. We need to removes those leeches—useless attachments, we have in our lives! I am walking in NO DEFEAT come 2016! I am walking in strength! I am in walking in boldness! I am walking in GOD! This year I have definitely broken out my comfort zone, and done things that I never thought I could do! This came about being obedient, but most importantly seeking GOD in all that I do (Matthew 6:33)!

Will you do the same?

Will you “break free” your imprisonment?

Let GOD, show you why He is GOD!


(Picture number one: courtsey of; picture two courtsey of Pastor Dawkin's instagram @dhdawkins)

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