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So it is about that time where everyone starts "declaring," "decreeing," and "demanding" changes for the upcoming new year! You know "New Year! New Me!" We, as people, can be a trip some times! [Laughs] I just wanted to speak about how this year went for me, and my ambitions for next year!

This Year

I did not have any 2015 resolutions “goals wise;” but I did release this statement:

GOD did remove ALOT of individuals from my life, but in the SAME breathe BLESSED me with better ones! We must understand that different seaons, calls for different reasons of people in our lives. Selah. Not everyone is suppose to climb to the top with you. You will do more harm forcing people to stay in your life, than letting them go.

Accomplished Goals and Milestones of 2015

  • Finished reading the Bible- May

  • Received the Baptism of the Holy Spirit- May

  • Graduated with my Masters- August

  • Blessed with a new car- August

  • Turned 25- September

  • Launched my first blog- October

  • Blessed with a new position- December

The Bible says: “Death and life are in the power of the tongue: and they that love it shall eat the fruit thereof” (Proverbs 18:21, KJV). I spoke victory into my year, and GOD executed it! He went above, and beyond!!!

What a victorious year it has been! BUT GOD AIN’T DONE YET!

1 Corinthians 2:9 (KJV):

"But as it is written, Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love him."

What Are Your Views For 2016?

2016 will be a year of challenge, but NOT DEFEAT! Those who are with GOD, and those who “claim” to be with Him will be revealed! GOD is counting on His Children to do His work, here on Earth. For me, next year will further solidify my relationship with GOD!

In the New Year, I just aspire to take advantage of this time of me being single! I truly want to give it my all by pouring myself into others, and just doing what GOD needs me to do! Like I said, I really do not make “resolutions,” but I do have some personal goals (kept between GOD, and I then later revealed) that I would love to achieve! The world will make you think that you are missing out, and/or lagging behind if you are not living up to “its’ standard.” That is beside the point! When you are walking in, and trusting in GOD, He will take you to higher levels, that you could NEVER imagine!

In all that I do, I just want to please Thee Lord! Whatever this year brings, I just want to remain under GOD, covered in His Will. Happiness is coming! Relief is coming! Love is coming! I cannot wait! I am ready for my harvest!

GOD Bless you all! I pray that you aligned yourself in GOD, and let Him lead you! He is the ONLY guarantee that you will get in life! I am a living testimony!

H A P P Y N E W Y E A R!!!


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