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Consecration Week Chronicles!

Did yall miss me last week?

I know I missed being on here, BUT it was ALL for the GLORY of THEE LORD!

(Please read “No Blogs This Week,” which was written before this article, to completely understand this article. Article can be found under any drop down title tab, except under "Ask Selah").

Consecration week was amazing! WOW! This has been my second time participating with my home church, Praise Tabernacle International (PTI), and it was completely different! GOOD different! Come to think of it, it should be different each time! Whenever you step into consecration, you should be at a higher, spiritual, level than before. Growth, and development should have sprouted out from between the last time you went into consecration. Ya'll don't hear me! Let me clarify this however, consecration is not for a time period, it is for life! GOD has called us to be holy as He is holy (2 Timothy 1:9, 1 Peter 1:15)!

So What Happened During the Week of Consecration?

As consecration calls for, by our Pastor, D. H. Dawkins, each night we had corporate prayer at church, ending our day. I was blessed to have made to each, and every night! The strength that GOD continues to give me in order for me to pull through! Yes Lord! Each night Thee Lord met us in a different way every time! The treasure we have at PTI! My! My! Myyy!!! The powerful pastoral leadership, teaching, and revelation we received, and continue to recieve is simply beyond this world! You NEVER stop learning! Which brings me to my next point!

Weekend Ventures

Last weekend, I was privileged to be invited by one of my childhood friends, now sister in Christ, to a purity conference at The OutPour Church International, which is under the leadership of Apostle David, and Prophetess April Bynes. The conference’s theme was “Clothing Ourselves in Purity” AND THAT IS EXACTLY WHAT THEY DID! The experience was beyond this world! You know how you set expectations for something? Like, I knew that this was going to be great, but great was an insult to what I had encountered! The hospitality was on point, the worshiping was on point, but MOST importantly, the FRUIT was on point! The Holy Ghost was definitely in that place! Revelation, after revelation, after revelation!!! I nearly passed out, because I could not withhold the power, and knowledge from GOD, through His vessels!!! Hallelujah!

Not only was I invited by my childhood friend (pictured below-right), she was one of the speakers for the event! What a sweet surprise! I mean I knew that she was a speaker, but that weekend, I now know she is a vessel!

What I learned from the her sermon, “I’m Coming Out of the Dark: This is My Revelation of Purity" was:

(Pictured The Outpour Church worship team)

  • Purity is not all about sexual matters

  • Purity is the truth in revelation—divine impartation of the Holy Spirit

  • Purity is the supernatural conceptualization of fresh, untainted, virtuous, undamaged or unspoiled, information

  • Purity is not confusion or coercion

  • Purity is a LIVING sacrifice

  • Purity produces a strategic sound

  • Your evidence of living in purity, will be the fruit you produce

  • True revelation is Christ

  • Your mind, body, heart, and motives will be clean, and clear

  • Purity is walking in revelation, and not in information

  • Revelation is strategy that comes from Heaven


To top off consecration, I finally became an OFFICIAL member of PTI! Yes! Yes! I know, you thought I was already a member right? However, I took my time, courting PTI! It is very important to take your time in ALL that you do, to learn as much as you can about something before you decide to commit. In doing so, you are allowing yourself to see the good, bad, and ugly. Then through prayer, GOD will direct your final decision.

(Rashell Selah holding her Formal Certificate of Membership)

I personally felt like a member, being that I was heavily involved with PTI! I paid my tithes, went to events, and am currently taking classes! Well I am proud to announce that I am done shackin’ up, and have stepped up to the plate, and have made it official!

This is a great way to start of the year!

I am happy to get back, and to it!

I am consecrated!

I am refreshed!

I am purified!

I am family!

Let's WORK!!!


You can review all of my summaries of each day of consecration week down below! Enjoy!

Also, facebook link can be found on the home page!


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