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Weekend Ventures: Winter Jam 16—Tour Spectacular!!!

This Sunday, I was invited to attend a concert! My VERY FIRST gospel concert! As you all may know, I am SINGLE! Big secret, huh? [Laughs]. It is great to still enjoy life, and allow yourself to be seen! Who said that you cannot not have a social circle, and still be Saved?! Society teaches us that Christians are super religious, and boring! WHEREEEE?! We can still give GOD ALL the praise, while being completely fabulous! [snaps!]

Below was the line up:

I had such a blast! The worship of J E S U S was so lovely!

A testimony, and sermon was provided by @TonyNolanLive. He spoke about how the Bible:

  • Clears up confusion so we can see GOD for who He is

  • Mend broken with relationship with Him

  • Give us Faith

Prayer is how we communicate. Then he led us into prayer, and mentioned his site, , where he provides inspiration to all.

This concert was not about just about "having fun." The work of Thee Kingdom was still being done. Holt International was heavily marketed for the sponsoring, and adoption of children all around the world. Testomines of the performers, and their fans were played for all to see.

😝What an experience!!!😝

(My view- KB is shown in picture two on the screen.)

I encourage my Singles to go out, and live life for Christ! Do not let yourself become depressed, because you have to do "it alone." So what! Take advantage of this season of GOD, and you! Let Him be ALL that you will ever need! Learn what you like, what you do not like. How you desire to be treated, where you would like to go, what really matters to you, and so forth! Do not let this season of Singlehood pass you by, and not be prepared to be the spouse, for the spouse you prayed for! HELLO! Do not let the enemy trick you into thinking that you are losing out, when in truth you are actually winning with GOD!

When you know what you bring to the table, you do not have to worry about having a seat prepared for you. ‪GOD‬ has already handled that. Keep working; remain patient, but most of all:

"Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and he will give you everything you need, (Matthew 6‬:33, NLT)."

Until next time!


(Pictures of both Winter Jam 16 are courtsey of Facebook. Last two pictures are courtsey of Rashell Selah)


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