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Member Privileges!

(Picture courtsey of Pastor D.H.Dawkin's Facebook)

What Happens After You Become a Member?

Answer: You are blessed with a spiritual family (1 Corinthians 12:26-27)! Your title is now “Sister,” or “Brother” (insert name), you gain Spiritual Parents (the Pastor, and First Lady), and evidently you are amongst other Believers of Christ (Romans 8:9), who see life in the same lens as you do (John 3:16). However, please keep in mind that “there is no perfect church, because churches are filled with people, and people have issues” (Pastor Dawkins). Indeed! Indeed!

On the flipside, you still have to work to build relationships, and keep them going, as you would do with any other relationship. In terms of your Spiritual Parents, you must meet up with them, support, fellowship, and trust in their guidance. They too need a solid relationship built with you. Though a spiritual family is given unto you, all of its’ components are not “automatic.” There are some connections, and areas that I have to build within the church, but through GOD, and His grace, it will happen!

Wednesday: Memories & Moments with Pastor

This past weekend was my dear Pastor's, Dr. Pastor D.H. Dawkins, Senior, eight year of superb pastoral leadership anniversary! Beginning last week Wednesday, the members of the church had the opportunity to express their high gratitude towards both Pastor, and Lady Tamia Dawkins. Stories of when he was a little boy, preaching to a cat with his great-grand parents, to now leading in transparency, and genuineness were all shared. It was truly intimate, and well received by our Pastor!

(Pictured above, Hostess for the evening)

Surprise! Surprise!

Lady T had FINALLY returned after about three months of being in recovery, due to the arrival of their latest son. I can still see her strutting in, fixing her hair, as the air blew against her flowy top! Yes, I am that detail-oriented, with a pinch of photographic memory aptitudes. [laughs] Pastor expressed that “I couldn’t focus after she came in. I couldn’t hear nothing after that.” [AWWWW!!!] She did look as Pastor described, “As if she just picked a baby up from the store!” When it was Lady T’s turn to speak, Pastor resembled a little boy, kicking his feet, back and forth, ready for what was standing before him. Simply beautiful! The evening ended with much appreciation, and the solidification of the work of GOD, through our Pastor!

Saturday: The “Very Important” Meeting

Prior announcements about an “important meeting for members ONLY” were given at every service for about three weeks. No one knew the reason behind this “very important meeting,” and as members, there was obligation to go. Guess who just became a member? MEEE!!! (Please read: “Finally Becoming a Member.”) I personally was excited over the fact that my new title was “member,” and I was exclusively invited to this “very important meeting.” As I have mentioned before, once you become a member, the role you play for the church will change!

When we got to the “very important meeting” it turned out to be a surprised party of appreciation from our leaders, Pastor, and Lady T, to us! (Please read below):

(Picture courtsey of Pastor D.H.Dawkin's Facebook)

We were served a delicious meal by SW Catering, with a personal DJ by the name of DJ Freddie, in a lovely ambiance within the main sanctuary (my favorite place)! Musical chairs were played for all ages (minus the seniors—well because you how…well…)! It was awesome! After much strongarming from my fellow brethen, I ended up hitting the dance floor (not pictured—thank GOD)! I had a blast!!! So much that I was told by a couple of fellow brethren that I should go lay on the altar! [Laughs!] It was all in godly, fellowship fun!

(Right to Left: Lovely First Lady T, and Pastor Dawkins, addressing the members)

(Adult- musical chairs)

(First Lady Tamia, speaking)

(DJ Freddie on the 1's & 2's)

(Member being served by SW Catering)

Sunday: The Anniversary Celebration

Today was the day! For me it was such a privilege to see Lady T, back in her position, supporting her husband, Pastor. Before the Thee Word was brought forward, more expressions of thankfulness were given to both Pastor, and Lady T. Pictured below are Pastor’s mentee’s, sharing a poem regarding being a Pastor’s wife.

To read about the message that was given on this Sunday January 24, 2015, please go to the “Series, and Summaries” tab on the Home page. It is titled “Sunday Sermon Summary: 'Do What You Can, With What You Got!'"

(Pastor Dawkins, and First Lady T, expressing their gratitude)

(Picture courtsey of Pastor D. H. Dawkins Instagram)

Personal Note♡

I look forward to more of these member privileges! As a member, you are more in “the know,” because your role is sanctioned, and is being properly utilized; where simply being a “church goer” will not get you. These are the memorable, intimate times that you will remember when adversity hits! These are the type of gestures that our Shepherd leaders should display, to keep us, the sheep, wanting to be led by them! It is truly the LITTLE things that hit home! I feel like I do have a family that will keep me accountable in my walk with Jesus. I am just truly grateful, and look forward to what is next!

To see more, and remain updated, please visit, and Praise Tabernacle International (OFFICIAL), on Facebook.

Be blessed!



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