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Diary Dialogue Twelve: “Be Patient With Yourself…”

Dear Diary,

This week was a tough cookie. A tough cookie in the sense of understanding what GOD needs me to receive in a particular area of my life. I do see myself as a future leader of tomorrow. Understand, if you want to lead, you must serve—first. There is absolutely no way for you to understand the process, without you personally having to go through it. You will not be relatable, empathetic, and effective when you become a leader. You must endure to know what the enduring is really about. GOD is definitely sharpening, and preparing me for greater. Psalm 37:23 (KJV), “The steps of a good man are ordered by the LORD: and he delighteth in his way.” If I claim Jesus to be Lord, and Savior (Romans 10:9), then I must oblige to His teachings. “Behold, happy is the man whom God correcteth: therefore despise not thou the chastening of the Almighty” (Job 5:17, KJV). Everywhere I touch, or whomever I come into contact with, I am now learning to ask GOD “What do You need me to learn, or do here? What is my purpose for this time?” This is practicing faith, and obedience to GOD. Knowing that the paths He creates for us is for our good, we should always aim to excel.

Take it one day, at a time. Through GOD, I have whatever it takes to get it done.

“Be Patient with Yourself, You’re Doing the Best that You Can.”



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