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Sunday Sermon Summary: “I Got You!”

Praise Tabernacle International, Plantation, FL.

Pastor D. H. Dawkins, Sr.

Today's sermon spoke about walking in agreement.

The key verse was from Amos 3:3 (KJV):

Can two walk together, except they be agreed?

Misunderstanding comes from cultural differences. There is a lack of understanding of why people do what they do. We get offended when we do not understand; we even demonized it. If we do not learn to understand one another we risk missing the generational shifting assignment.

In order to understand one another, there must be chemistry, empathy, willingness, and relevance.

The “Got” in “I Got You,” stands for:

G: Gather what you are staying

O: Open to learn more about you

T: willing to Try

Ask yourself, who is on your team?

“Stop letting random people into your life. There are things you must consider before you let the admission of people into the treasure of your life.”

Factors to consider:

1. Who sent them?

There are only two spiritual, and universal Kingdoms: The Kingdom of GOD, and the kingdom of satan. Anyone who comes into your life comes from one of these two.

2. What do they want?

Try to figure this out by asking, “What do they want from you?” Do not be so desperate for companionship that you accept anyone.

3. Why do they choose me?

Again people are representatives from the two Kingdoms, as mentioned above. You will either be connected with GOD, or evil.

In GOD’s Kingdom, people will want to see you win. They will be in agreement with what is best for you. There will be harmony.

Agreement: Matthew 18:19 (KJV):

Again I say unto you, That if two of you shall agree on earth as touching any thing that they shall ask, it shall be done for them of my Father which is in heaven.

Agreement can be seen as a non-negotiable principle. It is legally binding for a particular course of action. Agreement precedes effective action.

Whenever you do choose to go separate ways, have that conversation. Resolve it with maturity.

Amen = “So be it” = I agree

The enemy has created the lie of how we are competitors. This destroys the familial concept that GOD wants us to act as. We lose focus on Thee Agenda of GOD.

We are one.

If you win, then I agree.

Let the fence dwellers be the spectators.

Ask the necessary questions, and stop wasting time on those who may not be beneficial for you.

Synergy, harmony, unity produces ONE flow, ONE sound, and ONE complete mission.

Last week’s Sunday Sermon Summary spoke of feeding the five thousand, with two fish, and five laves.

John 6:9 (KJV):

There is a lad here, which hath five barley loaves, and two small fishes: but what are they among so many?

GOD will let the circumstance be in agreement when the people do not agree. GOD has the final say so. Referring back to John 6:9, the people were hungry, the lad (who remained unknown—no identity found on him through the scriptures), had food, and GOD had the power. If the people knew that the lad only had “five barley loaves, and two small fishes,” they would have not agreed that he could supply the meal to feed them.

Have someone who can look ahead with a prophetic edge. Remove the spirit of “give up” within your life! Be humble, and let GOD exalt your life!


1. Do not satisfy the wrong one


2. Do not satisfy the right one at the wrong time


An attachment is parasitic.

A connection is mutual.

The lad in John 6:9 had an answer to a problem that he did not know he had an answer for.

To be in agreement, it has to be with the right one. Certain people may have the blessing that you may not like. How many people are you sleeping on? Do not become too pious to be blessed. You must pray, and not reject the blessing that GOD has placed in them for you.

Do not become a “Detached Wanderer” where you are unable to bond with others. You must be anchored. Christianity is about being sent. Jesus was sent by GOD (John 3:17). The Holy Spirit was sent by Jesus (John 14:26. Jesus had to complete His assignment before this could be given—read your Bible to see how it came to pass). Have a Samuel on the Earth to affirm you.

The people

(who were hungry) +

the lad (who had the five barley loaves, and two small fishes) +

GOD (who is Power)=


Because of this agreement communities of generations were changed.

When your life is in Christ, He is your manager. Conflicts may come from GOD to get you into alignment. He needs you to be in agreement with His plans for you.

Become humble, and GOD will take care of it all.

Life Application

Agreement is powerful. GOD love seeing us together in His name, hence why we are called Thee Body of Christ. Pastor did bring the point of us connecting with people who were not in agreement with our lives. I took it even further and thought about those who are not Saved, and living a Christian lifestyle according to Thee Word of GOD. We must be very careful with the connections we make. As Pastor Dawkins pointed out “Some people are on satan’s payroll.” I like to keep to myself, because I understand that I am very committed, passionate, and loyal individual. I love hard. Once you have shown to me that you are trustworthy, here to grow with me, and love me, I am fully opened to offering the treasures of my life, and also being your cheerleader. I love seeing those near, and dear to me excel! There is nothing more beautiful than seeing your brother, or sister in Christ living out their purpose in excellence! I pray that GOD continues to connect me with those who come to push me into higher levels, and that through discernment I am able to see those who are not of His Kingdom.


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