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The Love Series: Singlehood His Way

Hey Ladies!

This one is for you!

I was able to get voluntary insight of what it was like to be a single Christian MALE! These were some general questions. Nothing TOO specific, because some matters are to be left for the appointed time, and place as GOD calls fit to share! I am just excited to read the thought process of a Christian man, towards women.

There is nothing like it!

You can thank me by SHARING this series with others!

With all that said: ENJOY!

How long have you been Saved?

“I have been in church all my life, but I don’t define that as salvation. I started taking God seriously in my teens, and really sought after Him in my early 20’s.”

How is Singlehood going for you?

“Singlehood is ok for me. You do have moments where you want the companionship of someone, especially when you see friends (both Christian and non-Christian) entering into relationships. But before I bring someone into ‘MY’ world I want to make sure [my world] is set, so she would have nothing to worry about.”

Why do you think you are still single?

“Well I know it’s not lack of interest ツ. I’ve had many conversations where the female might be hinting for more. However, I have made the conscious decision to not enter in a relationship until I have gotten my things together. I guess that’s the man in me wanting to be the provider.”

[Selah: YESSS LORD!]

What do you most love about a woman?

“As it pertains to me I find it extremely attractive when a woman has a real relationship with Christ, and stands firm on what she believes. That confidence which exudes from her is simply breathtaking.”

What do you least love about a woman?

“A woman that can’t dress would lose my attention in a heartbeat. Let’s be clear, I still am a guy, everything isn’t always spiritual. If you’re challenged in the ‘clothing department’ then you probably wont keep my interest.”

What are your thoughts on courtship? Any goals?

“What I like most about courtship is that it holds everyone accountable. With the presence of others around, it prevents my date and I from prematurely entering into a part of the relationship that we may not be ready for, even though we [may] think we are. One of my main goals is to become best friends with whoever I’m interested in, because then it gives me the confidence for the relationship to work in hard times [due to the fact] we were friends before anything else came along.”

How long would you court for?

“I don’t really have a time frame of courting. But I would say until I am ‘good friends’ with that person.”

Black or red? Why?

“Random, didn’t know how to interpret the question, but I would have to say Black with an accent of red J. Black is classic, and sexy while the accent says ‘I still have a personality.’”

When finding your spouse, do you want to first go the friendship route?

“Yes, as I alluded to in the [above] questions, I want us to be friends first. It creates a healthy foundation for our relationship to stand on and ultimately last.”

Do you think marriage is important? Why?

“Hmmm, never had to really think on this, but yes I do partly because of how I grew up seeing everyone getting married. It just becomes natural to say ‘I want to get married.’ Also, because it’s in The Word of God. I don’t think there would be so many scriptures about marriage if God didn’t deem it important. Whatever is important to Him is important to me. No one wants to be alone so God create the covenant of marriage to give us that one person in life who would support, love, and cover us. You can’t experience that to the fullest without marriage.”

Do you have any “fears” regarding marriage?

“No, I don’t possess any fears about marriage. I just want to make sure I’m in a position to do, and be all that is required of a husband.”

Are you close friends with any husbands?

“Yes, I have several close friends that are married. It’s never an issue. We all understand the boundaries and do not cross them. I can’t hang with them like I do my single friends but they are still valued and needed in my life.”

Do you think you are ready to settle down?

“At this moment, no…. but soon ツ.”


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(Picture courtsey of : by RASHELL SELAH)

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