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Diary Dialogue Fourteen: The Unexpected!

Dear Diary,

This week has been a learning week as every week is!

However, it was more so unexpected on my end.

I always say that I will never stop being a student, because I will never stop learning! When you tell GOD, “Yesss, Lord!” or “Use me as a vessel!;” trust, and believe He will, and it will be done so, unexpectedly!

I was place in a very uncomfortable, and blind scenario where I was completely uninformed about a particular matter. Did not know where it was going, and did not see why I was such in a position, but I still trusted GOD. Of course my flesh was bothered, but my spirit was open to everything that was going on. I thank GOD for the grace, and fruit of self-control, grasping the concept of how everything has a place, and time, and not always reacting “on the spot.”

After all of the confusion, and trying to sort it out, it finally clicked. I was the principle that GOD was trying to get convey to someone else. GOD used my potential, capability, and appearance, to remind them of what they ought to do, to get where they ought to be. You cannot get to point C, not having to go through point A, and B. You must be committed to the process, in order to reap the success. I just so happen to be the vessel. Later, I knew that I was being used as the vessel simply because this had no “true meaning” to me, and had nothing to do with me. I was not related to the individual by any immediate means.

When walking with GOD, expect the unexpected. Even though through GODs’ eyes, the unexpected is expected. It is His Will. His plan. Because we are not in GODs’ authority, and unaware of what will happen next, it is seen as “unexpected” to us.

This is where faith comes in.

I choose to trust GOD.




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