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Sunday Sermon Summary: “The Breakthrough Is Here!”

Praise Tabernacle International, Plantation, FL.

Pastor D. H. Dawkins, Sr.

***WARNING: This message are for those who are Saved—have accepted Jesus Christ as BOTH Lord, AND Savior. This is for those who are true Disciples for Christ. This is NOT a general message. I repeat, this is NOT for everyone.***

Today's sermon spoke about the arrival of your breakthrough!

The key verse was taken from Daniel 10:12-14 (NLT):

“12 Then he said, “Don’t be afraid, Daniel. Since the first day you began to pray for understanding and to humble yourself before your God, your request has been heard in heaven. I have come in answer to your prayer.

13 But for twenty-one days the spirit prince of the kingdom of Persia blocked my way. Then Michael, one of the archangels came to help me, and I left him there with the spirit prince of the kingdom of Persia.

14 Now I am here to explain what will happen to your people in the future, for this vision concerns a time yet to come.”

At first glance your situation looks like chaos. However, chaos can become clarity when looking beyond the surface.

The breakthrough does not begin where discovered. Just because you JUST seen it, does not mean it just started.

Worshippers (those who seek GOD-Jesus, as ONLY their Lord) are qualified for breakthroughs. It is your posture, not position, that always have you in a place to qualify for a breakthrough.

The Holy Ghost, Comforter sent from Jesus Christ, intercedes for us (Children of GOD.) When in the process of receiving the breakthrough, you are in need of an intercession. Unfortunately, some have the left the safe proximity of the Holy Ghost to seek understanding from a “con-artist” (those who work outside of Thee Kingdom) for an authentic answer, due to desperation!

Heaven has protocol.

Spiritual warfare is real. You can be blinded by what you see rather realizing what is truly happening in the unseen. THE WAR THAT MATTERS IS HAPPENING IN THE SPIRITUAL REALM! With GOD, EVERYTHING is birthed through to warfare, and confrontation. This is not done by peace.

There are two sets of Angels:

Blessing- those who carry out the blessings

Warring- those who go out to war (there are different levels)

NEVER EQUATE GOD to the devil in warfare (in ANYTHING for that matter.) You are only able to compare the devil to Angels of Thee Kingdom. Only in Angelical ranking, comparison can occur.

"A release from Heaven is always going to bring confrontation."

You are never alone. Again if you are Saved—have accepted Jesus Christ as BOTH Lord, AND Savior, and who are true Disciples for Christ, will never be alone! Angels are always with you, wherever you go! How else do you think Heaven is able to get word back on your behalf?

“Truly I tell you, whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven” (Matthew 18:18, NLT).

"Only people with certain statues can access certain levels of authority."

"You must be something wonderful!"

Imagine you boldly walking into a corporate building, of a Fortune 500 company, asking to speak with the Chief Operating Officer. The receptionist will ask you “Who are you? Did you make an appointment?” You answer: “No.” The receptionist would have to decline your request. Yet, if a celebrity, or a person of notoriety, came in, doing the same thing, the receptionist would more than likely have no problem granted their request.

What is so significant about you?

This is how you are seen with GOD. The enemy does not have easy access with you. Only GOD can allow such a request. If hell had to send a chief (one with experience), and not a “new school” demon after you that means you are of significance.

Daniel was seeking GOD on the behalf of a nation, while the prince of Persia, aka a chief demon, interfered (verse 13). Yet GOD still heard him (verse 12). So GOD sent His chief angels through Michael (verse 13) to help Daniel. Believers are connected to Heaven. They are connectors. Provocation comes when you pray for GODs’ presence. GOD says “If you want to represent me in the Earth, be ready to fight for me! As you delight in Him, desires of your heart will be given. When you walk with GOD, His desires will become your desires. His presence will give you His personality. Things that are detestable to GOD will be the same to you.

Believers may think the blessing yields the breakthrough. However, the breakthrough brings out the blessing! Celebration happens after the breakthrough! You must do what you need to do first.

GOD is a GOD of war (Refer to the book of Exodus).

GOD is not afraid of the enemy.

He laughs!

On the battlefield your life is a place of worship. A life of obedience brings out a sweet smelling savor. Be deeper, not wider. Be able to bend, but not break.

GOD does not show up when the enemy is not present. We have labeled things as battles that are not true battles. GOD does not execute His time where His energy will be wasted.

You have a Blood Line, Defender on your side.

He heard you.

Your breakthrough is here.

Life Application

The message was plain, and simple. When walking with GOD you have nothing to worry about. You are covered. You are His. He heard you before you called on His name! How? Because your heart was in the position of receiving. This type of relationship comes from being obedient, and intentional with GOD. Pouring into the connection, as GOD pours into you. Never-ending; always giving. I am kept by Thee Keeper. There is nothing that He cannot do for me. I am in direct blood line all because of King Jesus!


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