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Part 2: Everyday Evangelism-Graduation!

The Journey

For the past thirteen weeks, I have been taking the second part of Everyday Evangelism! The first part, a prerequisite workshop, gives an overview of The Gospel, and reminds us that we are called to be fishermen (Matthew 4:19). In others words, Disciples of Christ!

The second course is a seven-week course, where explaining of The Gospel to others who have not been introduced to Christ Jesus, is done in great depth. Scriptures from The Bible, and every day examples are used to convey The Gospel, to make it more personable. Witnessing is essentially using your testimony to glorify Jesus’s name, in how He was sent by GOD to save the world!

***Just a disclaimer, this is by no means an "official" evangelical title. For example, after completing this training, you are not addressed as "Evangelist BLANK." This was not an ordination in the physical realm, but one in the spiritual. Regardless, when you are Saved, you are called to witness (Acts 1:8).***

(Pastor D.H.Dawkins laying hands

on Rashell to confirm the "charge" of her

assignment to gain souls for Thee Kingdom.

This was done for all graduates.)

Essentially the course aimed in aiding one to effectively communicate The Gospel wherever, whenever! Two of the greatest fears in witnessing, is how to get the words out, and what reactions will be recieved those you will talk with. Now I have learned the appropriate protocol when speaking to someone, whether it is family, friends, or a stranger, to get the anticipated, positive, response: "YES, I WILL ACCEPT JESUS CHRIST AS LORD AND SAVIOR!" For me, it has taken the "awkwardness" off, and equipped me with the tools to do Thee Kingdom's work! Now I am comfortable enough to speak more about Jesus, and what He has done in way that will make it more "down to earth," and relatable!


The day had finally come, Sunday Febuary, 21st, 2016! Both classes, Alumni of 2015, who did not have a formal ceremony, and class of 2016, experienced this moment together. We were truly grateful of the support of our Pastor D. H. Dawkins, and First Lady Tamia Dawkins.

Standing up there felt much longer than it was. I always equate committing to the church, and its' activities as "getting married;" there is no other way to explain it. In other words, it is not a light matter, and should be taken seriously. That is the type of beautiful burden I carry in my Spirit. I recognized all that I do for the church is sacred, Kingdom business.

One thing I have taken away from this course, is how my instructor, and fellow Sister in Christ, always expressed how this course and its’ materials were not “our master.” We should always trust in the Holy Spirit to direct us with every case we go into (Luke 21:15). There is no “cookie cutter” way to spread The Gospel, to witness. As a Christian, Born again Believer, Filled with the Holy Ghost, you do not have the authority to say, “I don’t know how to speak about Jesus,” if you refuse to take the time out, and prepare yourself in order to do so. You must put the effort in, and remove all the excuses. Remember, it is the work of GOD’s Kingdom that will count in the end. It is how YOU contributed, through your purpose, in the expansion of The Church. This is why I keep Matthew 25:23 (KJV) dear to my heart. In all that I do, it must have the end goal of hearing:

“His lord said unto him, Well done, good and faithful servant; thou hast been faithful over a few things, I will make thee ruler over many things: enter thou into the joy of thy lord.”

The Graduation Ceremony!

Press play!

(My apologies for the audio. It will go in, and out.)

The journey continues!


(Pictured, Alumni of 2015, and graduates of 2016, with [L TO R] Chaplain, and our Instructor.)

For more information regarding Everyday Evangelism, please visit:

Be blessed!

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