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Singlehood: Making The Time

As I mentioned in my Singlehood: How To Become Prey” (click in link to read) article, one of the tips I had expressed was staying busy! The purpose of this was to not have too much idle time to think about how “single” you are, in regards to how society defines it to be—lonely. Being single has a negative connotation in today’s world. Then the question is, “How much busy, is TOO busy?” I find it hilarious how women, as myself, are definitely opened to relationships (leading into marriage), but do not really make the time, and effort to be available. I am at church 3-4 days out of the week for services, and teachings. Yes, I work full-time. Yes, I blog full-time; I call it my "blog ministry." In addition to, mentoring two beautiful children! I stay busy, and I love it! I have had invitations to hang out, and go out, but I more than likely chose to decline. The reason behind my decision was that I was busy, and had other things to do. I do have a strong work ethic, and I am unapologetic about it.

(Taken from Rashell Selah's Facebook Community Page)

The Working Woman There is another side to this. When Jacob met Rachel, she was working (Read Genesis 29). When Boaz seen Ruth, she was working (Read Ruth 2). If you truly read Proverbs 31, the woman that is being described is a servicing woman. She is not idle, and is truly putting her hands to work! So being productive, and occupied is not negative, BUT trying to be “found,” yet "never seen," due to lack of availability, is where the problem lies. If all you do is go to home, work, and church, then how do you expect to found? Granted, in the Christian realm, the common saying is that “You’ll find him/her in church.” This would be nice, but what about if the ratios of your church are like 10:1? For every ten women, there is one man? Not to mention those, married, engaged, or out of age range. What happens when by the time you come into the picture (at church), almost every man had some type of history with the women in church? Better known as your “spiritual sisters?” AKWARD & messy!!! What happens when you do go to church conferences, meetings, and activities, but come to find out there are 85% women in attendance? The selection again is not in your favor. These are the “issues” that us, Christian/Saved/HolyGhost filled singles deal with. In the same breath, these circumstances do not alter the course of our destiny, created by GOD. You Must Adjust BEFORE The Shift There must be balance. I am learning that I will have to be able to become more flexible with my time. I will have to be accessible, and have an open schedule for Boaz. The beauty about GOD, through the Holy Ghost, He will send a wind of revelation your way. There will be a stirring in your spirit. This type of communication only occurs when you are His. How do you become His? By recieving the Baptism of the Holy Ghost, and building a RELATIONSHIP! You will feel the need to shift your posture, and position. This means reevaluating how much time is spent where, and how you can trim it down. Review your obligations. Everything may be important, but not THAT important. If I want to be open to the idea of being courted, then I must make room now to allow a friendship to take place. I must make room to attend events, so that I can be seen. Each stage we are in, is preparation for the next. David was declared to be the next king of Judah/Israel, while he was working (Read 1 Samuel 16) with rolled up sleeves, and hands to the plow, caring for sheep, in the field of his father’s house. Before he became king, he served as an armorbearer under King Saul, humbly, and patiently (Read 1 Samuel 18). What are you doing with the time, and resources you have now? Are you tending to them with your sleeves rolled up, and hand to the plow? GOD has called you (His Children), to be the king, and/or queen that you are NOW, before you are formally recognized to the public as one. You have been anointed already for the call. Are you serving Him, humbly, and patiently?

Will You Be Ready To Receive? Stop praying for the things that you are not willing to become flexible for, and ready to receive. Even though I LOVE being busy, and always having something to do, I must not forget where I am going, and become comfortable in this stage, "Getting TOO Comfortable With Singlehood" article. I have to start clearing away hoarded areas of my life to welcome my future. I am honestly up to doing whatever I need to, in GOD’s Will, for Boaz. My Boaz. My Sweet Thing. I cannot wait to be a wife, mother, and best friend. [Heart flutters]. Most importantly through these roles, I look forward to glorifying GOD’s name! HALLELUJAH!!!

I must make the time. No more excuses. No. Matter. What. The question remains, who will be worthy? Selahhhhh! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (Picture courtesy of: &[gallery1]/0/)

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