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Diary Dialogue Sixteen: Where Have I Been?

Dear Diary,


So you may be wondering, where have my weekly Diary Dialogues been? Sometimes we must practice the act of discretion, and privacy with GOD. In a sense that, not ALL that we go through, have on our minds, and so forth, NEEDS to be publicized. It is good to be quiet, and observant—still. It is good to be in the wilderness/valley with GOD only. It is good to keep to yourself, from time to time. As I mentioned in my “About Me,” this WHOLE, ENTIRE blog is led by the Holy Ghost. I am under His unction. For example, right now Singlehood is heavily on my spirit!. It is what I have been writing about the most lately. This blog was created to glorify GOD!

As for me, GOD, per usual, is moving in my life! I am learning each and every day to be free in the Spirit. Just be led, and trust MORE in GOD. The more you walk with GOD, the deeper your faith should get—The more you should know your word—The more this world becomes even stranger to you—The more death gets beautiful. GOD is showing why He is GOD. He is my Rock, and the center of my life. He is ALLLLLLLLLLL I got. I seriously do not know where I would be without Him. This is why I get so confused when folks are out here “living life” without GOD. Like who is really keeping your mind? Your sanity? I would have been lost all my marbles if I had to do this life thing alone! Jesus brings so much peace, affirmation, and value into my life! I lean on Him! ALL of my burdens are placed on Him! He gives me rest, and security. If it was up to me, I would have not been here. I would have been fine, chillin' in my mother's Fallopian tubes [laughs]. I am doing well ya’ll! Every season, has a different transition, and demand! However, with GOD, your steps are ordered (Psalm 37:23), and all will be fine! That is how faith works:

“We fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen.”

GOD is moving.

#Seasons🌳 #StayEncouraged💪 #TrustInHim🙏 Selah...♡


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