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25, Saved & Single♡

Let us venture into my world for a bit!

As I have expressed numerously throughout my blog, I am Christian and Single. In addition to being young and virgin. Some may wonder, "How am I holding up?" "What is going on thus far?" Well come in a little closer, and grab some popcorn!

First & Foremost

I am Christian/Saved/Holy Ghost Filled: I believed in Christ Jesus. I am Saved because I believe He died for our sins, and rose from the dead in three days. Our seats in Heaven have been purchased, and He is constantly interceding for His children (Ephesians 2:6-8; Hebrews 7:25). Therefore, JESUS is both Lord and Savior. He is THEE way, truth, and life (John 14:6). Because of His resurrection, I was given power, through the Holy Spirit, and am now called to witness—which one way is done through my blog ministry (John 20:22, 1 Corinthians 12:13, Acts 22:15). He is Thee King. The Creator. Alpha and Omega.

Point. Blank. Period.

Without Him, I am nothing!

There is no discussion about it. I Am Single

(Read "Dating Potential: Stop Playing Yourself") I have no emotional ties, "boo-thangs," prospects, and so forth. I am STRICTLY with GOD! GOD is the only man in my life! I do this so that I can have clear a vision, and not be emotionally persuaded by my feelings. The ONLY voice that is in my ear is that of Thee Lord! I desire to be so in tuned with GOD that if He says "There goes your husband" I want to be in sync. Having emotional attachments, better yet, soul ties, outside of any covenant marriage, are dangerous! Been there! Done that! Be mindful that the enemy desires to destroy the uniting of man, and woman which is the true vision of love (Genesis 2). Why? Because the familial institution is the greatest one. Even before The Church was created, the family was (Genesis). As the Bible tells us to do is to be "fruitful" (Genesis 1:28). Why would this matter? More babies created under GOD's covenant=more BELIEVERS that will be produced. The enemy does not want this to happen, so what does he do? He tries to distracts us—by telling us women, "We don't need a man." "It's the 21st century, women don't submit." "I got it!" Or to men, "Women are only to be seen as disposable, sexual, objects." "Women are the 'lesser' beings. They are frail , and therefore cannot do with out us." Things of this nature deter us from reaching what GOD desires for His Children. Through self-lust and self-idolatry, in one breath we say we love GOD, but in the other we decide to choose our own destinies. Did not GOD say if you love Him, you would keep His commandments (1John 5:3)? Though GOD may have complete control over the enemy, with us He has given free will (Joshua 25:15). In other words you have a choice to follow Him, or follow you. You decide. I Am Virgin

To say that I am virgin, holds a lot of weight. It is nothing to boast about, or to place above anyone else. It is a reminder of where I cloud have been. It is a reminder of GOD's grace. NOTHING but GOD's grace has caused me to get here, and is sustaining me. My body is my temple, and I should treat it as such.

1 Corinthians 6:19-20 (NIV):

Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; You were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your bodies. Saying that I am a virgin is not to be arrogant, but a decision to deny myself, pick up my cross, and follow Christ (Luke 9:13 & Matthew 16:24). I have decided that I am worth the wait, no free milk will be given, and that my husband deserves all the bragging rights. What a beautiful gift to give! I am older now. I know better, so I CHOOSE to do better. It is a daily struggle, but when continuously seeking GOD, and remembering why you choose to wait, then I am able to remain focused. Queen👑, if he really loved you, he would make you into an honest woman, declare to the world, and stand before GOD, committing to you through a covenant marriage. Wife is THEE goal. Not “main chick,” “wifey,” “domestic partner,” “baby-mama,” and so forth. Your treasure should never be at stake for an ultimatum or up for bargain. Sadly, I have heard cases of women giving in to their male counterparts because of the fear of losing them. If your worth is contingent on whether you sexually appease him or not, he ain't the one girl! As Pastor D.H.Dawkins would say, “Make him work!!!” The one for you will GLADLY earn that right from you! King👑, if you truly loved her, you would put in the effort, not just verbally, but emotionally, and physically. You would never devalue her by forcing her to have to chose between her body (GOD's temple), and you, because “You are a man, and a man got needs!” You would lead her to do things the right way; GOD’s way. Your aim would always treat her, like Christ treats The Church (Ephesians 5:25). You would honor her, and protect her. Remember, you may have a daughter one day who may be in the position that you have place the women you have been involved with. Would your daughter approve of your behavior? Would you want her to deal with someone like you? The intentions, and motives? Would you?

Moving Forward

Yes it does get tough at times, but I am really enjoying this journey, and am wholeheartedly taking it in. I am being cultivated, while my husband too is being matured, and developed for our union. Someone is out there praying for me, as I am doing the same for them. For me, I am truly compassionate, passionate, loving, thoughtful, attentive, nurturing and so forth. I had to learn that not everyone should have access to that, and only one should be recipient of these attributes. I am the lady. I am to be sought after. I am to be found (Proverbs 18:22). There are things that GOD will “single out” (no pun intended [laughs]) for us to work on. My issue in the past for the most part, was always being the one keeping the interest going, and choosing who I would pursue, versus the other way. Now I have understood, if he is not trying to make things work, chasing you with a Godly purpose, communicating, and blatantly being honest with his intentions with you, then he is not into you. I am over “false hope,” and “maybes’.” I need a “Yes! Without a doubt in my life.” I need a man who understands that he is the hunter, and that I am the pray. I am to be worked for, and it will not be easy. A wise man knows if he submits to a woman once, she will submit to him for the rest of her life.

I love where I am at, and thank GOD for getting me here. I must be the best partner, and wife. I NEED to be. I WILL BE.



(Picture courtesy of Rashell Selah)

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