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The Love Series: ROUND 2! Singlehood His Way


We are back!

Not one, but TWO outlooks of Singlehood from the male perspective!


How long have you been Saved?

“For about 6 years now. I got baptized as well.”

How is Singlehood going for you?

“Singlehood is going well for me, sometimes I wanna stay single sometimes I don't. The reason is, I haven't found that person I can be myself with. Being born, and raised in a different country [has caused] dating [to be] somewhat of a challenge. My cultural values [are] different compared to here. But I'm not giving up.”

Why do you think you are still single?

“Hmm... I feel like I haven’t found the one for me yet. I have a preference, and standards, and feel like the woman I talk to should possess those qualities. Also, I personally want to date a woman who is on the same level as me, or progressing forward.”

What do you most love about a woman?

“Wow, I really love when a woman carry herself very well. You don't have to be half naked to attract a guy. [I love women to be] smart and educated, family oriented, God fearing, understanding, goal oriented, and have cultural values.

Prime example is the author of this blog, she is the ideal woman for a very lucky guy. I wish some women would follow in her footsteps. She probably will delete this part out. Lol”

[Selah commentary: ahahaha! Nope! Keeping it 100! Glory to GOD!]

What do you least love about a woman?

“A woman that does not speak properly.

A woman who curses at her man.

A woman with goals, long term or short.”

[Selah commentary: Regarding goals, flexibility in life, I suppose?]

What are your thoughts on courtship? Any goals?

“Take your time, and get to know one another, know your likes and dislikes, know how to communicate.”

How long would you court for?

“As long as it takes till I know I'm ready for it to become serious.”

Black or red? Why?

“Red, because it reminds me of the blood of Christ, it's come to mind when I think of it.”

When finding your spouse, do you want to first go the friendship route?

“Yes of course, but my fear is one might get to comfortable to the point when he/she is only seen as a friend. I say you start dating first.”

Do you think marriage is important? Why?

“Yes marriage is very important. I feel like it's the end goal. As it's stated in the Bible that a man leaveth his parents house find a wife, and start a family.”

Do you have any “fears” regarding marriage?

“My fear are that we may encounter a situation that we both cannot agree in and that might start a chain of events [of us] not getting to know each very well. I feel like you should know your significant other to where you know what they are”

Are you close friends with any husbands?

“No I'm not, but I do work with some, we chat from time to time.”

Do you think you are ready to settle down?

“Yes, I am ready to settle down for the right woman, until then I will be building my empire.”


What stood out to me what how they both wanted a woman with patience (courtship goals answer), Godly morals/standards, and who carried herself well (both in her aura, and presentation of attire.)

Two different men, who do not know eachother, with two different overall responses.

Leave your comments below!


(Picture courtsey of : by RASHELL SELAH)


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